chapter 1/???....The snakes

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Hi I'm duke. A prince of snake like humans. My annoying mother and step-father want me to be engaged with the worm princess, she never seems to want to get married wich is really good sense someone might listen to her cause NOBODY listens to me. So maybe I won't have to get married! Anyway can we stop thinking about this. It sucks just THINKING about it.

(Queen medusa): "DUKE HONEY GET DOWN HERE"! I hear my mom yell with that banshee like sound.

(Duke) "COMING" I yell back going down the thousands of stairs in our gold and green mansion.

(Duke) "what?" I say at the bottom of the stairs

(Queen m) "listen because we've been.. begging you to get engaged . We've realized that you may not be sssso happy. We have been thinking about it and.. yesss you can have a band. You might find love sssso we think you sssshould."
(King slytherin) " yesss you may have that ssstupid band you want thhhh"

That hissing sound is the type of sound you only hear when his mad. But I don't really care I FINALLY get something to myself instead of all of my family. I rush up to my room and start designing the logo.
"No. Not that. Ew. Ughhhh" I mutter to myself
"FINALLY" I find the PERFECT logo!

 Ughhhh" I mutter to myself "FINALLY" I find the PERFECT logo!

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Wow. "Bite" that's perfect! I should probably sleep to get the band started.

The. Next. Day.

I wake up and get ready and rush to make posters for this band.

(Duke) "MOM I'M TAKING THE CAR TO PUT UP POSTERS!" I rush to town square to put up these posters then I see ..

(Rubble) "I love you too honey"

(Rubbles "honey") your to rich to call ME that, your the princess of the worms I can't plus your gonna get engaged. I love you but-

(Rubble) "shhhh"
She quickly shuts the girl down with her mouth- ew

I don't really care. She seems happy she's always been so kind so this is cute and good for her! Then when I was to busy to look in front of me.


Huh?! I shout out to this brick like wall then....

It all started with a BAND ♥♥♥Where stories live. Discover now