Part 2: the truth is not a lie.

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                                                                                          Henry's POV: 

I woke up from my nightmare, Charles next to me with a concerned look on his face. I just hugged him and buried my head into his shoulder. he hugged me back worried cause I was acting strange. 

'Hen, are you okay...?' Charles asked worried and shocked.

I just lied there and cried softly from the nightmare, he patted my back and shushed me trying to calm me down. 

'Shh, it's alright henry... you're okay' he said reassuringly

I shook my head and continued to sob into his shoulder

'You know you can tell me anything right hen?' he said kindly while still comforting me

I nodded in response speaking that I wasn't that big of a talker when I am sad 

'Please tell me what's wrong Henry...' he responded concerned

'You won't understand... it's too complicated...'

'Please henry? I won't tell anyone... it's safe with me' he said reassuringly while placing his hand on top of mine

I sighed and decided to tell him my dream

'so... as you know I robbed a bank and yada yada and in this timeline everything goes south and I don't become friends with Ellie and I escape somehow by jumping out of a truck on the ledge of a cliff and hiding and being presumed dead and then like a few months later you find me and then you say you want to go onto a mission to destroy the toppat orbital station and say its personal so we go up there you crash your spaceship into the ship and cause a lockdown and escape thing to happened then we find a broken escape pod and as you sat down I was thrown out by a toppat and you pushed him down and pushed me back in and make the escape pod eject without you in it and the ship exploded with you inside of it and I can't even think right now because of how traumatizing it was and I can't ever forget it! and it's been haunting my nightmare's for the longest time!' I said not stopping to breath and after I Charles was facing me listening to the story politely.

I buried my face into his chest, he then hugged me tightly and tried to comfort me the best he could. 

'Wow henry... that's a lot to unpack. but at least it was me and not you who died!' he said trying to lighten the mood

'No because I can respawn, and you can't! you don't have that option! if i had died instead i would have been back in a few minutes!' I said as i was crying

'Well... I don't understand much of this, but I promise I will never die on you! I swear on it!' he said promisingly while patting and stroking my back softly. 

he put the couch leaning thing up and grabbed the blanket and covered us with it before he turned the tv off.

'I promise I'll always be by your side henry...' he said as he pulled me closer to him

I blushed at the sudden movement, but I didn't complain, and I just lied my head on his chest and closed my eyes as he comforted me to sleep. 

                                                                                     Charles POV: 

henry had fallen asleep in my arms, I blushed at the fact he did and closed my eyes followed by a yawn and fell asleep with henry in my arms... 

To Be Continued...

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