Part 4: mission impossible (1/2)

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                                                                       Henry's POV:

'Triple threat... we have a big problem on our hands'  

the general said with a firm look on his face, we all looked at him expecting what he was going to say.

'The toppats have been discovered near an abandoned subway station, we are concerned they have made a new base more hidden from society, we called you three in cause you all are the best soldiers we have. and you guys work well together, we have been thinking that you three are the right ones for this mission as it has been difficult for others to even be able to go, cause of rookie training' he said as we listened very closely to what he was saying.

'And Charlie... you won't be able to use the helicopter for this mission, you need to use something like a motorcycle. something more camouflaged and easier to hide' general said.

'Okay were on it da- err... general!' Charles said with a disappointed look on his face at the end. me and Ellie nodded in agreement.

'Good, I'll send you the location Charlie' he said as we walked out and got some weapons like lightweight pistols and tazer's and then we headed to the location 

(1 hour later) 

                                                                                Charles POV:

we have finally arrived, and I see the abandoned subway thing he means... it looks very dark... and I'm afraid of the dark and scary places...  it has graffiti in it, and I parked into a bush after they got off the bike we took. it was very well hidden and the exact color of the bush, it was summer going into fall so yeah...  I walked up to henry and Ellie and asked if they had any lights and they said they only had their phone lights... I gulped and went down into the tunnel with them, it smelled so bad, and it was disgusting in there, graffiti all over the walls from ignorant teens and sewage water leaking from the ceiling, I heard something scatter across the floor and grabbed onto the closest person which happened to be henry, I grabbed his arm and hugged it and he blushed and looked at me shocked and confused as to why I did that but in response he patted my head and asked if I was cold.. I tried to play it cool, and I nodded my head still scared of my surroundings, he then wrapped his arms around me and continued walking while hugging me, I blushed and felt a bit safer in his arms, his body was so warm, and it felt like I was under a blanket... we then heard rattling of a pot and I jumped while still in henrys arms and started shaking, he looked confused for a second and then realized why I held onto his hand in the first place. he grabbed my hand and clutched it reassuringly, I smiled as he did that, and Ellie was behind us taking a video without us knowing, henry signed to us that we need to draw our weapons incase this is something important like a toppat or someone breaking the law, we took out our weapons and started approaching slowly, henrys hand still holding mine, I felt a bit scared but not much knowing I have henry by my side, then a gunshot fired towards us from the opposite direction, we were lucky it missed because of the poor lighting in here and we had all the evidence we needed that there was indeed someone or multiple people down here.. we ran out as quickly as possible but while we were running down the sidewalk I heard the person yell for backup and a lot of toppats came out of the entrance and behind us where the base was.

'SHIT' henry said worried 

I drew my weapon and fired all around us in the direction of the toppats, basically Infront of us and behind us, the thing is how would they have not seen us enter if we came through the side they are coming out of? it's a mystery for another time... but just as soon as my gun ran out of bullets, I heard a shot fire and henry gasp for air after...

To Be Continued...

The Memories (CHARLESXHENRY) (DISCONTINUED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora