Chapter 2

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"This is your schedule and your key to your locker. Have a nice day Miss Campbell," The teacher said with a smile as she handed her the paper and key after explaining where her locker was. Cassidy took the items from her with a smile and a thank you before walking off down the hall in search of her locker. It had taken her a little more than an hour to get here with how far it was but it was the only other closest high school so she'd had no choice.

Unaware of the attention she drew, Cassidy walked through the corridor, oblivious to the admiring gazes of many boys and the envy of several girls. She was beyond beautiful after all, with her lightly tanned skin, her gorgeous blue-green eyes and her long brown locks that fell down her back in natural waves. She may have been a tad short for her age but she was truly a vision, even in the long-sleeved loose jumper she was wearing, her clothes covering her entirely, just how she liked it.

Lost in thought, Cassidy hadn't realized that whilst she was walking through the corridor to where the woman had said the lockers were, she had accidentally walked right into someone causing both of their things to fall on the floor along with herself. She winced slightly as her ass hit the floor roughly, ow she thought as she painstakingly picked herself up apologizing to whoever she had bumped into as she picked up their stuff and hers, "I'm so sorry."

"Watch where you're going girl. You have a pair of eyes for a reason," He said with obvious anger.

"I said I was sorry," Cassidy said rolling her eyes as she less than gently shoved the two books in his arms before stalking off. Well that was a great start she thought to herself, she should have been looking where she was going but it had only been an accident. He didn't need to get so worked up about it.

She trailed her eyes across the rows of lockers before finding the one with her number on it. She stuffed her jacket that she'd been holding inside and then she locked it putting the key back in her pocket before heading to first lesson.

When she entered the classroom and after the introductions were all said and done, she quickly sat at a spare table right at the back of the classroom setting her stuff down before taking out what was necessary. It was a few minutes later into the class that the door slammed open before the boy that Cassidy had bumped into earlier sauntered in with an air of arrogance surrounding him.

"Apologies. Something came up," He said to the teacher with a cocky smirk on his face.

"Something always does," the teacher said with an exasperated roll of his eyes. "Just sit down Mr. Grey," he said before he carried on the lesson as Aiden made his way to his seat only then realizing who exactly was apparently sitting next to him. It took him a moment to realize it was the same girl he'd bumped into before.

He hadn't honestly looked at her before, not properly at least and he had to admit she was beautiful. His eyes couldn't help but trail over her face, her lightly tanned complexion, the rosy blush adorning her cheeks looking more natural than the girls he'd seen around school with their faces cakes with all sorts of makeup and then there was her hair, long auburn tresses that fell down in waves framing either side of her face. He paused momentarily when she looked up at him with eyes that seemed to dance between shades of both blue and green, creating an entrancing hue that beckoned him forward.

He shook that off though as he frowned walking over to his table. She tilted her head up further and raised an eyebrow at him trying not to react to how annoyingly gorgeous he was. She hadn't taken note of it before to be honest, but now it was plain to see. He had finely sculpted features: pointed nose, high cheekbones, chiseled jawline and all, blemish-free fair pale skin that made his dark raven hair all the more striking and, what really pulled most of her attention, his eyes. Much like her own they were blue, but they were reminiscent of the churning turmoil of a gathering storm at sea whereas hers was a captivating blend of cerulean and aquamarine, reminiscent of the tranquil horizon where the sky met the sea.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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