Chapter 1 Finding

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Chapter 1 Finding

Third person pov.

The chief of Berk, Stoick Haddock the vast was on his way to get his son, Hiccup Haddock the III and his ax back from Gobber: from a tiring day of being chief. He is tired; a bit sore; hungry and overall wants to see his son again. Seeing his son will help calm him down and at this point that's all he wants, is calmness.

The sun is slowly disappearing behind the horizon and the previous beautiful bright blue sky is slowly becoming a pleasing dark navy sky every minute. The more he walked the more he watched his village become quiet and almost empty like. Not like it was all day.

Stoick rubs his face tiredly and yawns into his big hand as his eyes scan around him making sure that everything is going well. If someone is in need of help, he will go off and help them; even if he wants to get his boy and go home. That's the job of being chief. Luckily though, he was so far safe from anyone or anything needing help from him and he didn't see any problems so far.

As his eyes scan up to his village again, he sees nothing out of sorts, like he thought and moves to the beach and the open vast sea.

At first, he didn't see or even hear anything out of sorts; so he continued his walk back up to his boy and closest friend, but the longer he walked up the wooden walkways, he started to hear something- something that would make his walk halt every few seconds when the sound would happen. Though when the sound would stop, he would slowly continue his walk only to stop once again when it would start up. Though through the span of less than three minutes the sound started up again and it hasn’t stopped since. Stoick is halted in his spot.

At first Stoick couldn't figure out the sound, so he stayed standing in his spot on the wooden walkway that led to the village and the beach: trying to pinpoint what the sound could sound like.

Then the sound got clearer.

It was a cry. A child's cry to be exact.

Stoick tenses in his spot as he realized it was a child's cry and fast his fatherly instincts kicked in and he was extremely quick to start looking around for the cause of the cries. Someone- no a child needed his help.

The thing is when he rushed up the wooden walkway towards the village the cries slowly- quickly disappeared and when he went back down to where he was before, he could hear the cries loud as night. So he follows the creis down the wooden pathway to the beach because there was no other place to check; though halfway down the cries faintly went away, but he continued his way and took the path that could take him right to where he was standing- just this time under where he had realized the cries.

If there wasn’t a big boulder covering his view, he wouldn't need to walk that far to see what had happened, but there was one. When he learned the corner of the boulder, he saw what was out of sorts on Berks beach; he  didn't need to get closer to it to understand what could be happening.

Stoick rushes over and climbs on board the wooden wrecked boat to find the source of the cries, but when he got on board, he instantly stopped in his tracks.

It's like he saw a ghost. He was in pure shock and devastation.

He stood shocked and devastated by seeing only a young child on the wrecked boat and no one else with them. He knew it was a child crying before seeing them with his own eyes, but he thought at least the child had someone with them: either in good health or bad health, but what he sees is that no one else is with the crying child.

The child's face so red and wet from bawling their eyes out from fear, confusion, terror, sadness and sorrow. The child still sat crying and wiping their face with their hands not knowing what to do. They were only three years old after all.

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