Allura x Reader

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(Y/N) = Your Name

Authors note Just a heads up, this is a one-shot between Allura from Voltron and an LQBTQ+ reader! So the pronouns I will be using for (y/n) will be she/her, sorry if you go by another pronoun. Also, it takes place in an AU where it is after season 8 but the Galra still are evil, and Shiro has his new arm for some reason, yet the castle of lions is still intact.


"Ugh noooo" (y/n) groans from bed. Grumpily she sits up. Why did she have to wake up so early today? Usually, she just slept until whenever she wanted. Sleepily (y/n) recalls her dream—

"(Y/n)... it's beautiful up here. Wow, I never knew..." Allura says in an awed voice. She turns to look at (y/n) sitting across from her, legs dangling over the cliff's edge.

The sun shone in light rays as it set beneath the horizon. A few leaves fluttered down to (y/n)'s lap as a breeze blows through the air. It is fall on the Balmera, the leaves falling, turning into tiny blue crystals as they hit the ground.

(Y/n) smiles softly at Allura. "It is... just not nearly as beautiful as you." In her head she chastises herself- wow did I really just say such a cheesy line? Allura falls for it though, never having heard the earth pickup line before.

"R-really? Thank you (y/n). When I look at you it just makes me feel so... alive." Allura reaches out and caresses (y/n)'s face, ready for that moment. At this time all of (y/n)'s dreams came true. Allura the brave, Allura the smart, Allura, the kind, Allura the—

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The alarm sounds again jarring (y/n) back to reality yet again.

"Ok ok, I'm up! Jeez, past me is CRUEL!"

(y/n) jumps out of bed and heads to the bathroom to get ready for the day. She starts to open the door when she remembers. THAT'S why she's awake so early! THAT'S why past (y/n) was "cruel." It was Allura's birthday today! How could she have forgotten? (Y/n) rushes into the bathroom and looks in the mirror. Ugh, she thought. Her hair was in disarray with that same old cowlick on the side of her head sticking straight up, and the rest of her hair pressed to the side. Her eyes had a sleepy droop to them and she felt as tired as she looked.

"Welp I can't go to Allura's birthday party like this!" Slightly discouraged but not by much, (y/n) went to get ready. First, she took a refreshing shower and combed through her hair, determined to make that cowlick cooperate. As she got out she ran her fingers through her hair, inhaling the steam and flowery scent of her shampoo that Allura claims to love so much. (Y/n) bent over and put her hair in a wrap to dry as she finished getting ready. She headed out of the bathroom back into her bedroom and opened the closet. God dammit of course I have nothing to wear. She thought. Classic. Rifling through clothes (y/n) considered her outfit options. Of course, she could always wear her usual outfit consisting of a tight blue shirt, black leather jacket, dark grey jeans, and combat boots. But that wouldn't work. How would Allura know how special she was if (y/n) didn't even bother to dress up for her? No. (Y/n) kept looking. She came up with an outfit that might work. It was a pale orange dress with black gloves and black heels. It had a high neck and no sleeves. Seemed fancy enough but not too practical. Yet again (y/n) put away an outfit. Next, she pulled out a pale blue halter top and a high-waisted rose skirt. It had an embroidered supernova in the corner of the top. Allura's work of course. She had insisted the shirt was cute but much too bland and needed a splash of glamor. (Y/n) thought the shirt was perfect but the skirt just wasn't doing it. Seriously. Why. Why did getting dressed have to be so freaking hard? At least it was when Allura was involved. Ok, so she had a shirt. Now she needed pants. Obviously.

A hopeless Romantic - Voltron x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now