Tales at Dawn

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I woke up feeling the glare of the morning sun against my eyes. I look around to see that I am in an unfamiliar room with my clothes scattered throughout the room, clothes... I look down to see that I am naked! I look around to find a handsome man sleeping next to me, with hair as silver as moonlight, a pale face with a scar that reaches from his cheek to his jaw, a body of a Greek god with multiple scars, a sign of a warrior. I felt myself freeze upon realizing I had just had a one night stand with a stranger. Slowly, I stood up, making no mistake to make a single squeak, went to gather my discarded clothes and made my way to the door. I reached out to grab the handle and slowly opened the door hoping not to make it creak as it scraped the wooden floor, alas it seems the gods have favors to me has ceased, the door creaked. I look back to see that the man was still sound asleep.


I went out and slowly closed the door.

I thought a warrior like him would wake at the slightest noise, I guess not.

I made my way back to house Baroque and told not a single soul about the events, except of course my best friend Lesley Vance. I went to my studies and fulfilled my duties as the daughter of a noble. I was in my study when I hear a knock on the door, "Miss Baroque" The voice said, "The lord of the house wishes to speak with you". I got up and took a bookmark and placed it on the page I was currently on, and followed the maid to my father's office. The maid knocked, "My lord" she spoke, "The young miss is here"

"Come in" father responded.

When I entered the room he was sitting in his leather chair reading the daily newspaper, it's a habit of him to read during the evening, he was in his casual white polo shirt with black pants.

"Good evening father" I greeted.

"Good evening" he said flatly.

"House Paxley has offered a political marriage between us" he started. "You have been chosen to be the bride of one of the Paxley's"

"But father-" he's sharp gaze cut me off, "Not a word from you" he said coldly.

"You shall bear a son and make him the heir of house Baroque" He glanced at me and examined my movements.

"Why you?" He asked, speaking my thought.

"You are my most perfect offspring, born a genius and talented. That is why you are to be married to the most powerful and influential duchy in all of the Moniyan empire."

"Very well father" I answered, though unwillingly.

I left shortly after that, he gave me no name of who I am to be married to. The maid took me to my chambers and asked me if I needed anything, I need answers, "No I don't need anything, good night". She bowed and closed my door. I couldn't sleep well that night, it was the most eventful day of my life.

It's been 2 weeks since that day and lately I have been feeling nauseous, having to puke every single morning, I froze, was I pregnant? I thought. I had to make sure, I went to the nearest pharmacy and asked for a pregnancy tester item, it's use is to be able to detect if the user is pregnant based on the mana that the user had. The pharmacist came back shortly and handed me a tube with a small crystal in the middle, she explained to me that I had to put some of my mana into it and if it glowed green it would be positive, red for otherwise. I paid for it and thanked her. I hid it in my pocket and made my way back to house Baroque. I walked pretty quickly that a bit more and it would be considered as sprinting, I made it to my chambers and locked the doors, I shut the curtains, and sat on the bed. I proceeded as the lady instructed, I poured some of my mana into the crystal and waited. After what seemed to be eternity it glowed, green.

Tales at dawnOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora