Act 2.

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Boris's POV:

Fucking Kotku. I was hanging out with Potter when she came knocking at my door whining about how I promised her I'd hang out with her. the thing is I hadn't. I had spent all week with her, hearing about her complaining, and whining, it was annoying. nobody told me when I get a girlfriend I would have to listen to all this. she was older and I thought she was hot I just wanted to kiss her and stuff not hear about her problems.

I turned around to see what potter was doing, when I saw him I realized he was probably spacing out thinking about whatever. I heard Kotku yelling at me even when I wasn't looking at her I turned back to her, discarding any thought of potter in my mind at the moment

"I never said I was hanging out with you today Kotku." I always tried to be direct with her since sometimes she would try and change the subject it was annoying.

"Theo keeps taking you away from me!" I wanted to shut her up. she was so whiney and annoying sometimes.

"I told you Kotku I am hanging out with potter today, he was feeling very lonely." I tried emphasizing the "very" but I just sounded whiney like her.

"I don't care! I want you!" at this point I didn't care she was being so fucking annoying she interrupted my time with my friend. I hated her. the only reason we are even together is that she's hot I had always thought she was hot but I never knew she was this fucking annoying

"Boris stop ignoring me!" I walked up to her, I was taller than her by a couple of inches so I looked down at her I was upset and I wanted her to be quiet. i raised my hand to shut her up when I realized Potter still may be there. I quickly shoved my hand down and whipped around. he had left out the back door probably bored hearing us argue. I should've just ignored her or invited her in. his dad hates when he comes home high after smoking with me.

I turned back to Kotku, she seemed upset. scared? I can't put it into words. I looked her in the eyes and simply stated "Leave." she started crying. like a whiney baby. she ran out the door behind her I didn't care to go after her. I walked back up to my room, sat on my bed, and held my head in my hands. I didn't cry, I don't cry, but I sat there upset for an hour or two I didn't care how much time had passed, maybe it was 10 minutes everything felt wrong and I was high as hell. then the phone rang.

Word Count: Five hundred eighteen

Disclaimer: My depictions of the characters may be OOC or Exaggerated, these are my perceptions/headcanons of how the characters act. it may not be canon nor may it be close, I don't mind I am doing this for fun, not to be accurate to the canonicity of the characters necessarily.

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