Chapter 9: The Door Behind the Wall

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Me and the rest of the group cautiously made our way to the one door at the end of the new hall, with the Doctor and I walking next to each other and Sarah and Sherlock walking next to each other behind us. "Doctor," I whispered to him. "what do you think we'll find when we walk through that door? I mean, probably the 500 lives living here, but... what will we expect....if you know what I mean..." "Ah, I was just wondering about that...umm... I'm not really sure- anything can be in there, I'm not even sure those 500 people and Captain Jack is in there at all! But, no matter what is or could be in through that door, we're still going to go in no matter what." The Doctor replied as we made our way almost to the door. The Doctor laid his hand over the cool, gold door knob. He then looked over to me, smiled, and stepped away from the door. "Why don't you do the honors." He said to. Me still smiling a cheeky smile. "R-r-eally??!!" I stuttered to him excite with my cheeks blushing. He didn't say anything back, but raised his hand to the door, implying for me to go and open it. I smiled again and looked at the door knob and slowly placed my hand over it and fixed my hand into its position, ready to open the door. But something prevented me, like something bad was on the other side of the door. I shook my rapidly as if I was trying to shake the idea to fall off and slip out of my mind. Putting all my fears behind me, I thrusted open the door. Hoping to see hundreds of people in excitement and cheer, but I saw the complete opposite. My face drowned in horror, causing me to not breath and suffocating. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. Blood. Everywhere. Spattered on the floor, on the walls, and even some blood slowly,  silently dripped out from the door next to my foot because of how much blood there was filled in the room. The worst part, was that the hundreds of lives in the room were drenched in blood. Moaning in pain and agony across the room, some without arms and legs...and with some people both. I couldn't take it, my body began to shake involuntary as I tried to run away from the horrible sight, but my legs wouldn't move. I screamed,I didn't know really why, but I needed to. I covered my face with both of my hands and used all of my remaining strength in my body to turn around. The Doctor's face had become pale and wore a shocked expression on his face with his mouth opened slightly. The Doctor, who was right behind me, hugged me tightly into his chest, protecting me from the blood and horror of the scene as I sobbed deeply into his blouse on his chest. He pet my hair softly as he whispered, "Shhhhhhhh.....". The Doctor then rubbed my back, gently pushed me away from his chest, looked me straight into my red, burning eyes in compassion and said, "Stay here with Sarah and Sherlock, I'll be right back." He kissed my forehead and quickly jogged inside the room. "Jack! Jack!!" The Doctor called as he frantically searched the room and aided some of the wounded people. Still crying, my hands now laid over my nose and mouth, leaving my eyes outside of my cupped hands. Sherlock walked slowly over to me and placed my hand on my shoulder. "Come on, I don't think we should look at this anymore." He said softly. I nodded my head and turned around and faced Sherlock and looked at him as yet another tear streamed down my face and dropped to the floor. "Come here." Sherlock mumbled as he opened his arms and walked towards me, offering me a hug which I desperately accepted, burrowing my face into his shirt as we walked away slowly away from the door. We finally walked out of the wall where I discovered and looked up away from his chest, wiping away my tears to see Sarah sitting on the floor with Kira resting on her lap, even Kira looked scared. One hand was covering on her mouth as if to stifle her screaming as she took deep, quick breaths and her eyes bright red, widen, and glassy. She closed her eyes, allowing the tears to run on her cheeks and she cuddled her face into Kira and began to pet her. Sherlock and I looked at each other in depression, now calm and steady, we both walked over to her and sat on both of her sides. I sat on her right, and Sherlock sat on her left. I then gently rubbed her back trying to soothe her, but it didn't really seem to work. I felt helpless. Alone. I wanted to comfort them so badly, but I didn't know how. I looked painfully at the opened wall door, wondering where the Doctor was and when he was going to come back. What was he doing? Did he find anything? Did he find Jack? Did Jack possibly... die? Or maybe he just lost a leg or an arm or something... I stopped my thoughts of what could have happened to Jack's arms or legs, preventing my mind to think of all of the other hundred people with missing body parts. Sarah stood up and Kira bounced off of her lap as Sarah brushed her tears away to the sides of her cheeks. "I'm-umm..gonna go step outside for a sec..." Sarah said quietly as she began to leave the building with Sherlock following her in curiosity of her well-being. "Rocket, uhhmm.. I'm not sure if that's the best idea. I mean it's safer in here, I understand that it's hard to stay in here, but there's Weeping Angels and Daleks crawling everywhere in London! Please, just-" "No!" Sarah yelled at me, cutting off my sentence. "I told you... I told that we shouldn't have gone with Sherlock and...John....and look where we are now, River!! Don't you get it??? This is all YOUR fault!!!! YOU are the one who begged me to go, YOU where the who "trusted" the Doctor and YOU are the person the makes everything worse!!!!!!!" Sarah yelled, snapping back at me. Sarah then pushed Sherlock out of the way and ran away down the stairs and pushed open the main door and slammed it behind her. We both went quiet. "I'm gonna go umm.. see if she's okay.." Sherlock said as he awkwardly went he way down the stairs. "Kay.." I responded back to him. Then, I suddenly heard a muffled "oof" in Sherlock's voice. My eyebrows crunched together and I turned around, looking at the staircase. I fast walked over to the very top stair and looked downwards. "Sherlock?" I called down... but nobody answered. "Sherlock!" I once again called, yet this time slightly louder. But still no response. The staircase was empty, now realizing that he was no where in sight. Suddenly, out of nowhere a cold hand grabbed my right hand. I gasped and darted my head around to see a stone Weeping Angel staring at me blankly and directly in the eyes. Then, something purposely wacked me on the back of head and before I could realize what was going on, I passed out onto the floor with the angel still tightly grasping my hand. 

DUN DUN DUUUUUNNNNNN and then she died!!! Lol jk. So suspenseful right????? Please please please please pllllleeeeaaaassseee like and comment on my chapters and I hope you enjoyed it!!! See you guys next time!!!!!!!! 



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