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Sunoo immediately get up and went back to his chair meanwhile jake Just hiss in annoyance,  the doctor came In and saw jake glaring at him , sunoo just laughs awkwardly and escorted the doctor to Jake

"What are you feeling? Does your tummy hurt? " the doctor asked and jake just rolled his eyes and looks away , Sunoo glared at him and whispered something,  Jake just sigh and looks back at the doctor

"It doesn't hurt at all , I'm fine now , can I go home now? , this is soo irritating " Jake said and the doctor stared at him in shock , Sunoo just buried in face on his palms and tried to stop himself from screaming 

"No Jake hyung you'll stay here for 2 more days " Sunoo said and Jake sigh,  Sunoo just glared at him because of his action , He knew that Jake is just trying to make a move on him

"Yes mr sim,  and you're his brother right? " The doctor asked and sunoo was about to answer but Jake immediately cutter off the younger and proudly answered

"Hes my husband " Jake said and sunoo literally stared at him , sunoo didn't want to embarrass Jake so he just nods and agreed on what Jake said

"Ohh well then here's the list of things Jake would need to drink " The doctor gave a paper on sunoo and accidentally brushed his fingers to sunoos arm , Jake got really furious and started glaring at the doctor again

"Can you please get out now? I wanna talk with my husband alone " Jake said and the doctor just smiled awkwardly and walks out on jakes room , Sunoo glared at Jake and started scolding the older

"What the hell is wrong with you hyung , you're not nice to the doctor " Sunoo said and Jake just tsked and pulled sunoo to the hospital bed

"Can you please shut your pretty Mouth and sleep with me , i wanna rest with you " Jake said and sunoo layed down next to him , Jake hugged the younger and sunoos heart is going crazy

"Calm down sunoo yah , I know you love me soo much , don't worry I love you too " Jake said and sunoo just giggled and started dozing off his sleep

"Woah he really sleeps , well I can be with you alone finally,  I really miss you , my sunshine~" Jake said and kissed sunoos forehead , And the older dozed off to his sleep too


To be continued

I'm really sorry for not updating for a long time,  I got really ,  well atleast I updated to yeah hope yall are doing well at school

Please bare with my Incorrect spellings and grammatical errors here, please don't forget to vote , love yalls and enjoy reading BYE for now and see yah on the next Chapter 😊

HEY SEÑOR ✧ SUNJAKE [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now