Meeting 2

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A full suited man was enjoying and drinking with his friends, he was looking lavish and handsome

"Okay, It's dark and I have some work to do~ See you next time, guys"

He bid bye and walks towards his big car. He sits inside and starts it but the thunder struck and heavy rain start pouring

"Aha!!! Let's go"

He was driving and enjoying the weather when he saw someone standing and waving like he wants lift or maybe help

"Taxi! Taxi!"

That man shouts and the car stopped in front of him

"Oh so sorry! I thought it's a taxi" That man apologizes

"No worries. Car or taxi, only names are different! Their work is same"

The man in the car said and smiles at the other "Come with me" He added in his tone

"What do you mean?" The man standing in the rain was scared "I mean come I will drop you at your home" 

"No thanks I will manage"

The outsider was not ready to sit with this mysterious man "Mr. if you keep standing in this heavy rain than you will fall sick and see~ I am getting wet as well~~~ Don't worry I am a good man" 

"No no~ I didn't mean that. I am just~~~"

He again thinks something "Come inside" The man inside the car opens it's door and invited the other inside

"Thank you" The sitting man smiles at him and they drives towards their destination

"Where you want to go?"

"New Shanghai Town!"

"New Shanghai Town?" The one who was driving gets surprised because it was a town where elite and rich people lives"

"Yes I lived in quarters behind those houses"

"Oh ok ok~~~ May I ask you what are you doing in this heavy rain?" 

"Oh, I teach students and today I got late! I am thankful that you helped me"

"No no! It's alright I keep wandering in this big car the whole day and it's okay if you sit in it for some time. I have a big business~~~ I have 20 luxurious cars, many firms, organizations and no idea how much my business is expanded"

The driving man was speaking nonstop "20 cars? He was surprised

"Yes and many more... By the way, you are a teacher?"

"Yes, I teach students~~~ Actually, my father is sick and I had to work for earning"

"Very sad very sad! I can help you easily if you get agreed"

"What do you mean Mr?" The man glares at the other and the driving one gulped down his saliva

"I mean if you get agree, become my private secretary"

"No, I am okay with my job"

"Okay, then I will do something for your father," The driving man said again

"I am thankful to you. We are okay, you don't worry"

The next few moments were silent " My home!" The car was stopped and he gets off "I am thankful"

"No problem," The man said and drives back. As he went a little far the man started laughing loudly and runs into the big luxurious house

"Dad!!! Dad!!!!" He ran inside and shouts for his father "What happened Shen Wei?"

"How many times I ask you to buy me a new car, today this garbage car bothered me again~~~~ You don't know how I reach back"

"You are calling a car worth crores garbage???" Mr. Shen Leng laughs at his dear son "What else to call it?"

"Oh my son Shen Wei!!! I have ordered a new car for you and soon you will get a new one"

"Thank you, dad!"

"You are fully drenched. Come here and let's change, you will fall sick my child!" Shen Wei's mom comes from behind and gets worried about seeing him wet. She dragged him inside the room

And on the other side, That big car entered a small town, where poor people lived and it stopped in front of a small house

"Where were you the whole day?" A lady shouts who was standing in front of that house crossing her arms

But that man ignores her and walks inside while whistling "I asked you something" She held his arm and pulled him back. The man stumbled and fell to the ground

"What are you doing Hong? I have only one suit and you destroy it!" He angrily shouts

"Then tell me where were you Yunlan?" Hong again yelled "You know that today is the first and every time I get my salary, I become a rich man"

He told while taking off his coat and placing it in a box then he sits on a small single bed

"Why don't you understand Yunlan!..... You spend all your salary or save something?" She was worried

"I repay all the loans and only cigarette's loan is left"

She gives him water and tried to explain to him that it's not good to spend all the money at once but he was thinking about something else

"Hong? Tonight was very beautiful. I never saw a night this beautiful" He was thinking about Shen Wei and Hong narrowed her eyes

And in the other society, Shen Wei was laughing while sitting with his mother

"I fooled him mom" He laughs "Very bad Shen Wei! Why you are so childish, you are a professor my son"

"Mom listen first!"

"Okay speak!"

"My car broke down, I was standing in the rain waiting for a taxi and then a big car stopped in front of me and a handsome man talked to me~~~ Mom, he wanted to know about my residence but I fooled him and told him that I am a poor man~~~ He was a good man. He offered me a job as his secretary when I glares at him he hesitated and offers a job for dad!!"

He again starts laughing loudly "That's not good Shen Wei.... You fooled an innocent man, who helped you"

"He was indeed innocent" Shen Wei was thinking about Yunlan and on the other side, Yunlan was also thinking about him.......

Thank you all

I write it last night but when I publish it was not my story. It was something else. I don't know what just happened and when I again check it in the draft it was not my story. How did it get replaced all of a sudden?


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