my best freinds brother III

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vanessas pov

'where am i?' is what i thought to myself when i opened my eyes and saw i wasn't in my bedroom. my head felt like it was throbbing. i sat up on the bed looking around until my eyes reached a sleeping oscar. then the memories of last night came flooding back to me.

shit i fucked oscar

i got up, looking for my clothes. then i spotted a ripped up jumpsuit laying in the floor

fuck what am i gonna wear

i looked around looking for something else to wear until i saw oscar's long black t shirt on the floor.

that'll have to do.

"oscar, wake up! you gotta take my to school!"

SHIT it's ceaser.

i ran over to oscar who was fast asleep, nudging and shaking him to wake up.

"oscar wake up" i whispered into his ear.

"urgh let me sleep" he moaned not knowing what was gonna happen

"oscar" i slapped his face, jolting him awake.

"oscar we gotta go, i'm coming in" ceaser shouted from the hallway.

"NO, i mean i'm getting changed wait" oscar says before ushering me into the closet

"wait here" he whispers giving me a kiss on my forehead before shutting the door. all i hear is rustling so i assume he's getting changed.

"i'm coming in now" i heard from outside the closet


"why arnt you even up?" i hear ceaser question his brother from outside the closet.

oscar ignoring him, doing god knows what

"shit you slept with someone didn't you" he says.

ohh fuckkk

"what no" oscar screams at his brother.

"yess you did, you got that glow plus your never late , who was it oscar?" he takes a short breath and i hear footsteps walk the room.

"is she hiding, oscar?"  i hear shuffling coming out from the closet.


"come outt whoever you aree" he belts.

"ceaser, stop no one's here" i hear oscar reassure but the shuffling continues

"is she in here?" he asks and i hear a door creak open.

oh my god

"what about here?" he questions.

shit he's gonna find me

"CEASER GET OUT" i hear oscar yell at his brother. but the shuffling continues.

"what about here?" he questions and i hear the closet door swing open. fuck. i close my eyes, hoping it all just goes away.

"VANESSA?" ceaser screams in disgust

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