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How can he even be late for his own exhibition? I shake my head over my best friend, who's calmly strolling towards me.

"Ryu Woojin! Move it!" I hiss at him. With a carefree smile he approaches me, kissing my cheek.

"Wifey, no worries! I'm never late, the others are just early" His attitude is always the same.

"No, BABE... You're not the queen, you can't say that, now get your ass inside" I mock him with his pet name, shoving him through the door.

Punctuality has never been his strength. His charming personality has already saved him from many delicate situations, leaving me always speechless. I've never met anyone, who didn't like Woojin. Being the social butterfly he is, he finds friends everywhere, in any situations. Our first encounter was just like that; him grinding wildly on me in a club, only to tell me that my ass looked amazing in these jeans. And just like that I've met my best friend seven years ago. Oh, I've forgot to mention, he's gay.

The both of us studied art and photography in college, working as freelancer after our graduation. I have to work part time at a restaurant, to pay my bills. Woojin got lucky with meeting his boyfriend Jung Yongsik, whom is a well-known curator, opening him the doors to the art world. Don't get me wrong, I'm more than happy and proud of him for getting all the attention and fame, tbh, he loves it. I'm happy with my few regulars, not needing that attention.

Today Woojin's art is displayed for Yongsik's VIP customers, his gallery filled with wealthy people, sipping champagne while discussing his paintings and sculptures. He's deep in conversation with a businessman, filling the room with laughter. Grabbing myself some champagne, I start to explore his newest works. I stop a bit away from the crowds in front of a wide canvas. It's painted with different shades of blue and grey, a golden line pervades the colors, making it look like marble, beautiful...

After some time, my heels are killing me. Woojin insisted for me to wear them, along with an elegant pantsuit. I would have preferred my comfy clothes, but I know that I can't show up the way I want at such events. Looking around for a counter to place my glass, to check on my foot, a deep voice gets my attention.

"May I hold that for you?"

A tall man, seeming to be in in his late twenties offers me his hand, to hold my champagne. A very attractive hand, I may add. My eyes follow the hand up to strong arms, broad shoulders and finally to his face. That's what I call a delightful sight. His eyes are dark and mysterious, his smile showing two very distracting dimples, the wider his full lips curve. His dark hair is styled in a mullet, and I'm feeling the need to glide my fingers through.

"Ah, yes thanks" I press the words out, handing him my glass.

I lean against the wall, taking my left shoe off. Ouch... a huge blister reveals itself on my heel, making me flinch. I curse the high heels internally, as well as Woojin, for making me wear them.

"Wait, I have the perfect item for you", Mr. Handsome states, searching his suit pocket. He hands me a band aid, smiling widely, revealing his dimples once more.

"T-thank you very much. I don't think I've ever met a man with band aids in his pockets. What else do you usually carry around with you?" I ask half-jokingly, putting the band aid on. As I slid back into my shoe, me holds my other hand for support. What a gentleman.

"Hahaha, nothing else really. I'm just very clumsy myself, so I always must be prepared" His laugh is as sexy as his appearance. "Or to help a lady in distress" I wink at him, standing up straight, letting go of his hand. "You never know..." he smirks "I just hope I don't need one myself today, that was the last one."

He returns me my glass. "Does that mean I owe you? Or do I have to protect you from yourself?" I'm sure I've seen him somewhere before... But I can't remember where. I know I'm flirting hard, but you don't get such opportunities every day.

"You could tell me your name, that would be enough for now" Damn, this man... I stretch out my hand to him. "I'm Min Dahae, nice to meet you. And you are...?"

He seems to be startled by my question at first, his gaze turning curious. "I'm Kim... Kim Jinho!" he places his hand in mine, looking deep into my eyes.

"Jinho means golden hero, right? Your name really fits you" I look at him a bit suspicious, but don't think about it any further.

"Yes, especially today it seems" showing his dimples again, he clinks our glasses together, making me think about other things...

"Soo... will you buy anything?" I ask after we walked around the gallery, standing once again ahead of the blue/grey painting. After all is it my job as best friend to sell Woojin's works.

"I'm not sure yet. But I really like this one in particular, it would fit my apartment well", nodding his head ahead.

"Good choice, I like how the colors complement each other" I feel his gaze burning into my face, as I let mine wander over the painting.

I take the last sip of my champagne, wanting to ask him if I should also bring him another one, as he interrupts me.

"Will you have a drink with me? I know a place not far from here with an amazing view. Btw my friends call me Joon" I look up into his handsome face, can't seem to resist.

It's only a drink... Right?


We stumble through the door into the hotel room, eagerly kissing. After a few drinks, we both had only one intention how to end this night. I unbutton his shirt, feeling his muscular chest under my fingers. He must work out every day...

Shrugging off his shirt and jacket, he grabs my thighs, pressing me against the wall. His huge body seems to hold me with ease, pulling off my blouse. He plants kisses down my neck, biting softly in my collarbone. I moan at the pain, burying my nails into his long hair. My legs cling tighter around his waist, feeling his hardness growing. Pulling my bra down, he licks softly over the tight bud, making me shiver, getting wetter by second. He grabs my ass, walking towards the bed, letting us fall into the soft mattress.

"Joon... Please" I moan, unbuckling his belt, pulling eagerly at his pants. His gaze turns dark and dominating. Getting rid of all leftover clothes, he rips a condom and places himself at my entrance. Without a second glance, he slides into my wetness, making me groan. He's big, stretching me perfectly. We start moving rhythmically, our lips finding each other's again. He slides in and out, until we both feel our orgasms building. He rocks me through mine, filling me up, finding his own release.

Collapsing next to one another, we both catch our breath.

"That was amazing" I stare at the ceiling, calming down from my high. He brushes his hair off his forehead, sighing satisfied.

"I don't think you owe me anymore, now I owe you something..."

I laugh at our earlier conversation, turning my head at him. "Well... if you say so, I'm ready if you are..." I whisper at him, letting my hand wander down his body, feeling him harden once again.

"Oh darling, you won't be able to walk tomorrow", he growls, pulling me on top of him. And well he didn't promise too much.

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