My Day Has Been Done In Reverse

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Jason Grace has updated his status
Omg day has been done in reverse
1: I slept all morning
2: I woke up at 10:00
3: We had cookies in the cabin that were almost gone but they were restocked...
That's very weird
Nico di Angelo: So that explains why we didn't see you all day!
Annabeth Chase and 123 others liked this comment
Annabeth Chase: Jason...I have a feeling this is all just a coincidence
Piper McLean: Shhhh....don't ruin it for him...
Jason Grace: I hope you guys know I'm not a complete idiot like Percy! Oh crap...
Piper McLean: *facepalms* idiot...
Annabeth Chase: Oh dear gods...
Nico di Angelo: Why did you say his name!?
Percy Jackson has logged on
Percy Jackson: Did someone say my name because my Percy Senses are tingling!
Jason Grace has logged off
Nico di Angelo has logged off
Annabeth Chase has logged off
Piper McLean has logged off
Percy Jackson: Okay then...

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