Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 The scumbag who steps on two boats (18)

    Liang Chenghao returned home that day and found an envelope at the door.

    "Liang Chenghao Collection"

    He looked over and over again, but he didn't have a signature. He felt a thick pile, and he didn't know what it was.

    Liang Chenghao's life has not been very smooth these days. The Han family has long lost the wealth and honor of his previous life, and he has been in prison and has no diploma, so he can't find any job at all.

    Fortunately, Han Li did not dislike him. She married him and gave birth to a son.

    Thinking of the little baby, Liang Chenghao finally felt a little more comfort in his heart. Speaking of which, he had been married to Han Li for many years in his last life, and then cheated on many women, but in the end he still had no children, which was always his regret— - Unexpectedly, this dream has been fulfilled in this life.

    He entered the room and sat on the edge of the crib. Han Li was out on business, and he was alone at home.

    Liang Chenghao picked up the previous envelope, unsealed it, and shook out the photos of the bed.

    The above are all intimate group photos of Han Li with various men.

    Liang Chenghao's mind was dazed, and he picked up a photo with trembling. The date below was in the last few days. Han Li was making intimate gestures with another man, and his eyes were blurred. The man Liang Chenghao seemed to be meeting at a business dinner. However, he seems to be the son of a certain group.

    Liang Chenghao swept the photos one by one like crazy, and there were not many identical men of all shapes and sizes.

    After the shock, there was deep anger and hatred, and Liang Chenghao took a deep breath. After calming down, his eyes swept to the sleeping child in the crib, his icy eyes full of doubts.

    Two days later, he got the report of the paternity test.

    Liang Chenghao opened the report calmly, and his nails left deep scratches on the report.

    He turned around and entered the kitchen, and when he came out again, he already had a sharp fruit knife in his hand.

    A horrific homicide occurred in City A.

    A man stabbed his wife and children to death in the middle of the night, and dismembered them with a knife. The suspect was apprehended on the same day and sentenced to death after verifying the evidence.

    Xu Du closed the newspaper.

    He didn't expect Liang Chenghao to be so emotional. Maybe the photos he sent in the past were the last straw that broke Liang Chenghao.

    Reborn people often have a sense of superiority of omniscience and omnipotence, looking forward to jumping to the top of the world with the memory of the previous life... Unfortunately, the real initiative is always only the individual itself. What Liang Chenghao imagined has formed a relationship with reality. The huge gap has actually become an important factor in destroying his spiritual power.

    However, these people and these things finally have nothing to do with Xue Ning anymore.

    Xu Du glanced at the clock. In ten minutes, he should leave this world.

    Because he didn't leave early before, the point reward he could get was only 3,000 points.

    But Xu Du never cared much about points. In fact, he got tired of his previous life very early on. With enough points to support the existence of his soul body, endless shuttles and tasks, he was among them, see no more meaning.

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