Chapter 2

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Big Al would wake up early every morning to study, the sound of his bedroom squeaking would wake up Dean early. After a while, Big Al's grade improved to a passing C+ with Dean not getting any sleep during that time period.

Dean groans in annoyance.

Big Al shouts, "Hey, daddy! I got a C+"

Big Al shows Dean an exam paper with the grade 77 written in red.

Dean tells Big Al, "That's great, now we'll do the thing you want."

Big Al gently but closely holds Dean in a hug again.

Big Al says, "Let's go to the carnival."

Dean grumbles in annoyance. Big Al leads the way to Dean's World, the pier in Del Perro that Dean Watson owns where the carnival always was set up, Dean is following. At the carnival is Tin Can Alley, a balloon game section, cup game, a high-striker machine, a concession stand, a red circus tent, and numerous amusement park rides.

"What do you want to do first, daddy?" Big Al asks.

Dean says, "Whatever you want, son."

Big Al leads the way to the concession stand, Dean is following. In the concession stand is cotton candy, popcorn, funnel cake, circus peanuts, soda, and lemonade.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Big Al asks.

"Lemonade and popcorn," Dean responds.

Big Al pays for two lemonades and a large popcorn.

Tusk the wild razorback hog, Big E. Gains the gator, Spike the bulldog, King the lion wearing a blue crown and blue basketball jersey, Prince the tiger, Mike the golden-furred tiger wearing a white T-shirt, and Burn the burnt orange-furred tiger with blue eyes, all walk throughout the carnival.

Big Al says, "Dad, those are my friends."

Big Al grabs the lemonade as he turns to look at his friend, the lemonade cup slips from his grip as it spills on Dean. Dean gives him a wedgie.

"DADDY, I'M SORRY!" Big Al shouts.

Tusk, Big E. Gains, Spike, King, Prince, Mike, Burn, Clutch the brown-feathered hawk, Cy the cardinal, Jay the blue jay, Ben the raven, even Touchdown the bear wearing a red sweater, Fastball the orange-furred jackal wearing a white baseball uniform, Dunk the wildcat wearing a blue basketball jersey, Tech the husky wearing a purple basketball jersey, and Timeout the banana slug wearing a blue shirt, all look over.

Big Al is wearing white underwear with large purple dots and a purple waistband that Dean is ripping with the force of his wedgie.

Dean exclaims, "There!"

Dean is eating the popcorn but now it's all lemonade tasting so he throws it away. Everyone gathered around to look at the cause of the loud commotion. Everyone sees Big Al's ripped underwear, the purple waistband in Dean's paw, and they even noticed that Big Al has unfortunately spilled some lemonade down his own crotch. Everyone begins laughing at Big Al as he covers his crotch both from the pain and humiliation.

"You failure," Dean says.

Big Al sobs, "I was a good boy."

"Was," Dean says.

Big Al sobs, "I had an accident."

Dean shouts, "You look like you pissed yourself!"

Everyone laughs again.

Dean begins to leaves.

Big Al pathetically sobs, "Daddy, they're laughing at me!"

Dean leaves.

The End

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