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Where's JJ?" you asked as you scanned the area, searching for a mop of blonde hair. It was the annual bonfire party to hit off the beginning of the school year. Of course like every year, you and the pogues attended the event.

"Haven't seen him. I figured he was with you." John b responded, pursing his lips as his eyes darted behind you searching for the blu eyed boy as well. "He can't be too far away"

"Right," you agreed with a nod. "Thanks JB."

You turned back to the sea of people, some crowed around the bonfire, others dancing or swaying with solo cups grippwd in their hands. You slowly slithered your way through the groups of people, searching for JJ. Usually he stuck by your side but you hadn't seen him in a quite some while.

Suddenly, an arm draped over your shoulder and you picked up a whiff of cheap beer and cologne.

"Heyyyy," a familiar voice slurred. you laughed, turning to see JJ's glazed eyes and goofy grin. He stumbled closer to you, beer splashing at the rem of his solo cup.

"There you are. I was looking for you." you said, taking in that he was clearly drunk. A sign that it was going to be a long night.

"For me?" His eyebrows crinkled and his nose scrunched.


He hummed then raised his cup to his lips, the alcohol pouring into his mouth, droplets trickling down his chin. "Wanna dance?"

"Dance?" You repeated, shocked that he would ever ask you that. Usually when you asked him (when he was sober) to dance he was quick to reject your offer. "Since when did Maybank like dancing?"

"Since...." his drunk self pondered for a moment, lips drawling together. "Now."

"You're totally shitfaced." you chuckled as you shook your head then he quickly took hold of your hand, dragging you closer to the speakers where the music was ear-busting.

"Pff, definitely the soberest person here," he rolled his eyes, placing his free hand on your waist as you both swayed to the music. Before long, the blonde was getting into it spinning you around and around, making bubbles of laughter erupted from your throat.

However when you spun him around, he stumbled backward the effects of the alcohol really hitting his senses.

"Woah," he mumbled, gripping your shirt in his fist as if it was some sort of ground that would save him from falling over.

"Hey, maybe we should sit down for a minute?" You suggested, swiping away the few hairs that dangled in his blue eyes, they were too stunning to be hidden.

"Whatever you say pretty girl." JJ slurred foolishly, gazing at you in admiration.

You gave a sharp eye roll then interlocked your hand with his, leading his away from the crowd to sit on a log next to John b's van parked just outside the party.

JJ slumped onto the log as you eased down next to him. You knew he was always like a child when he was intoxicated. He was needy and due to his occasional mood swings, it was crucial that he needed to be taken care of and watched over.

A groan left his lips when he tipped up his cup to find out he had no more beer left. He then sighed, a pout forming on his face as he laid down, resting his head in your lap.

"No more beer." he said depressingly as he tossed his cup to the ground.

"How many have you had?" you questioned, wondering how drunk he actually was, afraid he would blackout on you any moment.

"A few."

"Just a few?" you knew better than to believe that.

"Maybe like a few times 10," he shrugged, chuckling loudly like he just said the punch line to a hilarious joke.

"You should probably drink some water" you reached down, grabbing the water you drank from earlier. As you screwed the lid off, the boy sat up, his head now resting against your shoulder for support.

"Water's for wimps." he whined when you held out the water for him to sip on.

"JJ, you need some water." you commanded, pushing the bottle closer to his chest.

"Fine Mommm." a long and exggarrated sigh grumbled from the bottom of his throat before he snatched the bottle from you. He pressed the rem to his lips, gulping audibly.

When he was done, you screwed the lid back on and lead him over to your car, helping him into the passenger seat. The party wasn't held too far away from John b's house so it didn't take long for you to get there.

Before you knew it, your arm was wrapped around JJ, leading him into the Chateau. It was like dragging a dead body through the house, bumping into furniture and trash that littered the floor. You made a mental note that the place needed a good deep clean sometime.

Eventually, when you made it to the bedroom, you released the blue eyed boy, watching as he flopped on the bed.
You picked up his heavy leg propping it up again your chest so you could untie his biker boots which you struggled to yank off his feet.

"Arms." you then commanded and he lifted his arms so you could grab the tail of his shirt, tugging it over his head.

"Are we gonna fuck?" his question broke the silence making you snort with laughter.

"No, not tonightn, silly." you notified the drunk boy shaking your head.

"Oh," JJ mumbled almost sounding disappointed. "Tomorrow then?"

"Maybe." You shrugged as a sly smirk crept onto your face. Crawling into the bed, you pulled the blankets up over both you and JJ who laid next to you.

The blonde suddenly flipped over onto his side facing you, he stared into you, watching the way your chest raised before sinking back down slowly.

You caught him gazing and turned to face him with a smile. "What?"

"Just hold me." he exhaled, his eyes fluttering close as he wiggled into your body.

"Of course"

"Forever," he then mumbled as your arms caressed his body gently against your chest. The tips of his golden locks tickling your chin as his face buried into your neck. "Hold me forever."

"I will," you claimed ruffling your fingers through his soft yet tangled hair as your eyes closed as well. "I promise."

☀︎𝙹𝙹 𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜 ☀︎Where stories live. Discover now