Ponyboy Curtis

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*Danielle's POV
"Danny?" Steve called. He waved his hand in front of my face. I blinked and looked at him.

"What?" I asked. He looked at me all crazy like.

"Darry asked if ya wanted something to eat." He said. Darry looked at me expectantly. I thought for a second. Darry waited patiently.

"No. I'm good. Thanks Darry." I said. He nodded and left the house. Steve stood and walked to the door.

"I'm gonna head out. See you later, Danny." He said. I smiled and waved.

"Bye Steve." I said. He walked out. I was left in silence with my thoughts. Well my thought. There was only one thing on my mind. Ponyboy Curtis.

His brown eyes had me under a spell everytime he looked at me. His lips always seemed to be begging me to kiss them. His light brown hair always made me want to run my fingers through it. Yeah. Ponyboy drove me crazy.

"Danny?" Ponyboy asked. He sat next to me. I looked at him. He was well built for a 14 year old.

"Yeah?" I whispered. He looked at my lips quickly before looking back at my eyes.

"I really need to talk to you." Pony said. I motioned for him to continue. "Well, I actually need advice." He said.

"About what?" I asked. He bit his lip. I wanted to kiss him so bad. But I would ruin this friendship.

"Well, there's this girl I like-" There goes my heart, breaking into millions of pieces. "-and I want to tell her I like her. But I don't know how. Or if she feels the same. Could you help?" He asked. I smiled sadly and looked to the floor.

"What's she like?" I asked. He thought for a second.

"Well she's got a great personality. She's always nice. She's very funny. She can make anyone smile about anything. She's just amazing." He said, almost drifting into a world of his own.

"She sounds amazing. She's very lucky. And, about telling her, just say it when your ready. If she can't see what a great guy you are, then she's an idiot." I said. Pony nodded and looked me in the eye.

"So just tell her?" He asked. I nodded and glanced over at Dallas, who was in the dining room. He wasn't even paying attention to us.

"Yeah. Just tell her." I replied. My eyes averted to my lap as slight tears began to fill them.

"I'm gonna tell her now." Pony said. I nodded silently and bit my lip. I felt a tear slide down my cheek and heard Ponyboy take a big breath. "I like you, Danny." Pony muttered.

"What?" I asked. I looked up into his brown eyes. He smiled slightly and let out a breathy chuckle.

"I like you, Danny." He repeated. I smiled real big.

"You mean it, Pony?" I asked. He nodded and scooted a little closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I leaned into his touch.

"Yeah. I mean it." He whispered. I smiled and glanced at Dally again. He saw me and Pony and made a kissy face. I smiled and blushed.

"I like you, too, Pony." I said. He hooked his finger under my chin and forced me to look at him. I stared into his brown eyes and he stared into my grey ones.

"Can I kiss you?" Pony asked. I smiled and wrapped an arm around his neck.

"You don't have to ask." I stated pulling him down. His lips were soft and rough at the same time. The kiss was slow. It wasn't heated or fast. It was slow, almost as if we were both trying to cherish it. I knew I was.

"Could I take you out?" Ponyboy asked. I pretended to think before nodding. He smiled and kissed lips again, just as slow as last time.

"Finally!" Dallas yelled. He smirked at Ponyboy. "You finally told her." Dally said. Pony blushed and smiled.
Hey! What's up? This is my first Outsiders imagine. Is it good?

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Stay gold.


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