The Float

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Steven exited his home ready to be on en route to his dad's to start working on the much anticipated float he had wanted to be a part of since Day 1. His morning consisted exactly of his alarm going off at 9am, immediately shut it off and arising from bed ready to take on the world, jumping into the shower, almost with his clothes on, jumping out of said shower and putting on another set of blue jeans, flip flops and star t-shirt, tossing a breakfast burrito in the microwave and devouring it as fast as he can. Now he was happy, humming a little tune of his own creation to himself, and on his way to the the It's a Wash! Car Wash to get started.

But first, he decided to step into the Big Donut.

The place chimed as the automatic doors opened allowing an excited Steven to enter.

"Hi, Sadie!" said Steven. "Two donuts and a coffee please."

Sadie looked surprised at the order. "I didn't know you started drinking coffee, Steven."

Steven laughed, "Nah, it's for my dad. We're gonna work on the float and I thought I'd get him something to wake him up, ya know?"

"Sounds like a nice thing to do for him." She smiled.

"Do you guys have a float?"

"Yup!" exclaimed Sadie. "I mean it's nothing special, but I like to think it is." She put the bag down for a sec and pulled out a drawing she did of a car and a giant donut that looked similar to the donut outside, only it's now the size of the car it's on, lying on its side. Steven's eyes lit up again.

"Ooooooh! Did you draw that?" he asked pointing at it joyfully.

Sadie nodded proudly.

"And who's car is that?"

"Lars. He had to beg his dad to use it as it's the only one where the donut can fit."

"Where's Lars, by the way?"

Sadie went back to putting the last donut in the bag. "He's in the back getting things out of storage. Least he should be. Last time I saw him napping near the mop." She then got a small cup and poured coffee into it. "Then I got my alarm clock from home and set it to a minute. You should've seen how he woke up!" She started laughing at the thought of said memory.

"I can hear you, you know." An unseen Lars exclaimed from the back room. Sadie stopped laughing but still kept it inside her.

"Well, it's nice to know that you're working back there!" responded Sadie.

Meanwhile, Steven was waiting for his order, that is, until he was distracted by the jingle coming from behind him and turned around.


He's a frozen treat with an all new taste!

'cause he came to this planet from outer space!...

There was a little speaker on the side of the Cookie Cat freezer which was loaded with tons of the wrapped tasty treat. Steven approached said freezer, tempted to get one, just one, even if it was still early. He stopped his arm though before it could ever lay a finger on the freezer door handle.

"No! Not today, Cookie Cat!" he proclaimed to the inanimate cat-faced freezer with his eyes closed. "I have a job to do and I can't have any distractions. But maybe next time?"

"Uhh, Steven?" said an unsure Sadie looking at Steven. "Will that be all?"

Steven opened his eyes and turned towards Sadie, then back to the Cookie Cat freezer. "Yes."

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