Chapter 6

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As days passed by, the three killers taught Cindy everything she could ever know. Everyday passed on to the next. One day at a time, as Cindy grew tougher and stronger each day.

First Slenderman would teach her how to give nightmares and disguise herself, blend in with the woods.

Next, Eyeless Jack would show her different poisons and how to tell differences, then move on how to sew a body together to be neat.

Lastly, Jeff would teach her good hiding places and great holes for bodies, even ways to turn them to ashes.

Everyday she got smarter and better, everyday these killers grew to be satisfied with her work.

They became really impressed with her.

When the final day came, all three were proud.

They stood in front of her as the sun slowly went down behind her as she stood in front of the woods.

Slenderman gave her a thumbs up, Eyeless Jack and Jeff smiling at her.

She was dressed in all black and held a sack of knives and useful items.

"Well, kid, I wanted to literally kill you sometimes, but you did great, eventually. Make me proud some more" Jeff said.

Cindy smiled at him and nodded before waving goodbye and disappearing into the woods as the sun set and the nighttime sky flew over them.

As the three turned to go back in, Jeff suddenly stopped, getting a sudden weird feeling. He turned back towards the woods, narrowing his eyes.

"Um...everything alright?" Jack questioned as he turned around to look back at Jeff once he realized the serial killer wasn't walking with them anymore.

"Yeah, it's just..." Jeff paused, now beginning to make his way into the woods. "I need to be there for her" he said, as he then took off running into the woods, disappearing into the night.

Eyeless Jack and Slenderman looked at each other and shrugged, now both going back inside.

(A/N: Okay, I know Slendy doesn't LOOK, but I'm pretty sure everyone knows what I mean by that, lol MOVING ON.)


As Jeff wondered around in the woods, he hid behind trees and branches, only being a few feet away from the girl he was following.

He didn't at all wanted Cindy to notice him, but he wanted to make sure she knew exactly what she was doing.

As he noticed to be getting closer and closer to a house, he hid behind a bush near it, and kept an eye on the girl, who snuck around on the other side.

"Good, kid, just like that" Jeff whispered to himself, grinning.


Laughing Jack sighed as they continued to walk, mostly bored.

"It feels like we've been going on for years! Are you sure you know where you're even going?!" He complained.

"For the last time, we passed through a house, I'll let you know when I finally-" Clockwork began, but paused and gasped, now beginning to smile as she peered through leaves. "Find it! Guys I found it! The mansion is in the other side of that house, passed the trees, and a few miles ahead" she said excitedly, showing the others the house.

Laughing Jack furrowed his eyebrows as he stepped passed her, taking a look himself.

"Hey...that's Cindy's home...I was making my way to the mansion from here when I got captured" he said. Then, noticed a little girl sneaking around.

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