Pt. 5 THAT time of the month

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Ok so in this one they are both dating, but its still a new relationship.

3rd person POV:
Wanda was sitting at the couch, a grumpy look in her face while she ate cereal with a pillow cuddling to her stomach. Her cereal was almost done. Natasha had been sitting at the kitchen counter the whole time, wondering what was wrong with Wanda.

Natasha's POV:
Did I do something wrong? She seems pissed if right now. I should go by her to see what's wrong.

Third person POV:
Wanda had finished her cereal and put the bowl down, now cuddling the pillow and scrolling through her phone. "Here, lemme take this for you" Nat had tried grabbing the bowl, but Wanda smacked her hand away. "I can do things by myself thank you very much. I'm not a child" she rolled her eyes and got up to wash the bowl, then went back to cuddling the pillow and scrolling. She ignored Nat's confused look.

Nat's POV:
Shit what did I do. I don't remember saying or doing anything wrong? Why is she so mad? Then I remembered OHHH... it's that time of the month... shit.

3rd person POV:
Wanda stood up and put the pillow down. "I'm going to my room. Bye" "um ok bye". Now Nat was confused on what to do. She had never had a "that time of the month", so she had no idea what to do. She decided to just go ask someone who had probably dealt with this kind of stuff.

"Hey Maria" Nat said, walking into Maria's room. "You're not busy right now are you?" "No, I'm not" "ok, do you think we could have a talk really quick?" "Oh god what did I do?" Nat chuckled. "No it's  nothing like that. I just wanted to ask... how do I deal with Wanda when she's..." Maria quirked an eyebrow. "Are you going to finish that sentence?" "Ugh. When it's "that time of the month". Nat said with a hint of annoyance. Maria chuckled. "You don't know how to deal with it yet?" "No I told you what happened in the red room remember?" "Ohhh yeah. Sorry" " No you're fine, but what can I do to make her feel better? She seems pissed off at me right now, but I didn't do anything?" Maria laughed.

"Well sometimes chocolate can help with the cramps, so you can give her some chocolate. And don't worry about her acting mad at you, she isn't, her hormones are just weird right now. And just try your best to do what she says, I really dont think you'd exactly want a witch who's on her period mad at you." "Ok thank you Maria, I'll go buy some chocolate" Natasha said while getting up to leave the room. "Oh yeah and maybe a heat or ice pack can help too" "THANK YOUU".

Time skip: 10 minutes

Nat had come back from the convenience store with some chocolate, a heat pad, and an ice pack. She walked up to Wanda's room and slowly opened the door. "Hi Wanda" she said with a small smile. "Hey" said the witch, not taking her eyes off the phone. Nat walked into the room and saw the younger girl laying down, with one leg in the air and the other pressing against her stomach. "I bought you a few things". Wanda finally took her attention off of the screen to look at Nat.

"Aww thank you. How did you know exactly what I wanted?" "Wow what a change of moods" Nat thought to herself. "Well I asked Maria for advice, and she told me what to get.

Nat had shut the door and sat down on the bed, next to Wanda. "You really did all this for me?" "Wel yeah. You are my girlfriend after all" "awww". Wanda gave Nat a small hug. She grabbed the chocolate bar and ate it, taking her attention back to her phone.

After a few minutes, Nat decided it would probably be best to leave. She started to get up to leave the room, but Wanda grabbed her sleeve. "No. Stay. Please?" Wanda looked at her with big puppy eyes.

Nat just stared in awe. "Ok" she sat back down. Wanda put down her phone and got on top of Nat. She layed down, putting her head right in her favorite spot, right in the middle of her chest. Natasha smiled at the sight. She rubbed her back, and put a kiss on the top of her head.

"Wanda, come on its time for dinner" Nat tried getting up, but the brunette didn't let her move. "No" she snuggled more into Nat's chest, tightening her grip around her torso. "Wanda, c'mon" "noooo" she said with a pout. "You're gonna be really hungry later if you don't eat now" "UGHH FINE" she pouted and got off of her girlfriend, crossing her arms.

Natasha got up off the bed and was about to leave the room, but saw Wanda still sitting on the bed. She held out her hand to her "c'mon, lets go". Wand grabbed her hand, but gripped her arm as they were walking out. She kept her hold on her arm the whole elevator ride down.

"Ok whaddya want for dinner?" "You" Wanda said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Maria had heard this and went up to Nat to tell her something in her ear. "Oh yeah and another thing... her hormones are high right now so she might be really... yeah" she walked away again.

Once the 2 girls finished their dinner, they went back up to Wanda's room. Nat had no intention to do more than cuddle, but Wanda obviously wanted more.

Once they both changed into their pajamas, they laid down together. Nat was on her side, looking at Wanda, Wanda doing the same.

Wanda moved forward, putting her head between Nat's breasts again. "Ugh I wanna rip all the clothes off of you right now" "Wanda stop being horny" " but whyyy" "I don't even think it's safe doing it on your period" "no its perfectly safe" "I don't care, no" "ugh".

Wanda shoved Nat onto her back, and got on top. She laid down, using her chest as a pillow. She leaned up to give her a quick kiss, then snuggled her again.

"Goodnight Nat" "Goodnight Wanda"

1069 words 😏

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