Carrying The Banner!

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(Hi, so the updates are most likely gonna be weekly, just letting y'all know) 

"In 1899, the streets of New York city echoed with the voices of newsies, peddling the newspapers of Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst and other giants of the newspaper world. On every corner, you saw them carrying the banner, bringing you the news for a penny a pape. Poor orphans and runaways, the newsies were a ragged army without a leader. Until one day, all that changed." 

An old man walked up the stairs of the Newsboys lodging house, on his way to wake the newsies up. 

The man walked into a room full of sleeping boys. 

"Boots!" The man yelled at a boy. A shot up, scared awake. Seeing who it was, he got annoyed and tried to fall back asleep. Some of the other boys were scared awake too, so you could see some boys looking around in confusion. 

"Skittery. Skittery," Said the man. "Skittery!" 

"I didn't do it!" A boy yelled as he shot up. The man lightly slapped the boy. "Ow!" 

"What do you mean, you didn't do it?" the man asked. "Get up. Get up! When you get up, you have to get up. Snitch! Get up, get up, get up. Come on, everybody's sleeping here. They sleep, they sleep. They sleep their life away, these kids. The ink is wet. The presses are rolling! Sell the papes! Sell the papes!" 

A boy woke up to another's foot in his face. He yelled out in disgust as he pushed the foot off his face and rubbed where the foot had been. 

"Hey, Cowboy. Hey, Cowboy," The man said as he walked up to yet another boy. "Come on. You're dreaming about selling papers?" The man tapped the boy continuously. "Hey, hey, hey." 

"Don't want to," the boy mumbled sleepily, "what's the matter with you?"

"What's the matter with me?" The man asked. 

"What's the matter with you?" The boy repeated. "I ain't selling any of your- get off my back." And with that, the boy tried falling back asleep. The man pushed the boy. "Hey, go away from me. You're mad!" 

"Come on. Hey," The man laughed. "Kid. Get up. Get up, boy. Come on, come on. And get that sister of yours up too." 

The boy turned to his other side and saw his sister peacefully sleeping on another bunk. He didn't want to wake her up, he knew what would happen if he did. 

"Hey. Hey, Becca," the boy said as he got out of bed and walked towards his sister's. "It's time to get up, Becky." 

"Jack, how many times do I have to tell ya?" Becca grumbled as she sat up. Strands of her long brown hair seemed to defied gravity and were floating almost. "Never wake me up this early!" 

"But we gotta get up and sell papes," Jack said, eager not to get slapped by his sister. 

Becca grumbled and got out of bed. 

"All right, carry your banner! Sell the papers! Sell the papers! What are you doing? Sell the papers!" 

A boy sat down on his bed and looked for something. He looked confused when he couldn't. When he saw his friend with his cigar in his mouth, he got annoyed. 

"That's my cigar!" 

"You'll steal another!" 

The boy grabbed the cigar from his friends hand and slapped him. 

"Hey, hey, bummers, we got work to do!" 

"Since when did you become me mother?" 

"Ah, stop your bawling!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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