Yesterday was pretty hectic, we discovered at the doctor that the three of us have an infection. I know it didn’t come with me, because I have never slept with anyone besides Sondela ever since we got married . Zimthele denies it’s her, Sondela also denied that it was him. Whoever it was is really selfish, they could have brought serious diseases. It’s better they gave us some medication yesterday so we shall be good in the next few weeks.
These are the negative effects of a polygamy marriage, someone going outside of the marriage and bringing infections. Do people not think of anyone’s health when they do their shenanigans?
We have had a smooth and healthy sex life all these years because we take precautions. I don’t know what changed now, but things aren’t the way they used to now. I see that, we all see that.
Sondela told me that the DNA results came back showing that he’s the father, so he’s been feeling guilty and bad that he even questioned Bayanda’s paternity. I still think something is off, but it’s not my business. They will fix their problems.
I also have a lot on my plate. Like going to Elangeni(Sun Kingdom) , I know I am supposed to go there. It is still registering in my mind that I’m of royalty, like seriously I am a royal person. How crazy is this?
My mother told me that she can’t talk to me through Margaret anymore, said something about her time being up. She told me that I need to go back home and reinvent our home. That the people are waiting for me, she said I should take the mantle of being Queen and lead the remaining people, that’s if there are people left.
I can barely stand in front of five people and feel comfortable. How much more an entire village? I don’t think I can do it, I can’t lead people. I’m just a regular Langelihle.
Something about being around too many people throws me off, I don’t know what is it. Growing up, I used to think I’m depressed or something, but I wasn’t. Nono used to say I’m an introvert, I used to keep to myself so much. Maybe I am better now. But when I was in high school, Nono was the only friend I had. I didn’t participate in any extra mural activities because I was embarrassed I would make a fool of myself.
I’d rather I sit alone when Nono absent. Kids at school used to say I think I’m better than everyone and that I’m unfriendly. But I couldn’t help it, I tried so many times to fit in but it just didn’t work. Hyper people always say we should get out of our comfort zone and feel free, but I don’t think anyone can understand how much it hurts that you are socially awkward. Back then, I couldn’t even say a word without embarrassing myself. And my voice wouldn’t even come out sometimes, my lips would be moving but no voice. It was really bad guys I won’t lie.
I think I am better now that I am older. I do still have a bit of shyness but it’s not always the case.
So I don’t know how I’m supposed to be a Queen. We haven’t went there, I will when I give birth. That’s my priority. It’s really weird that me and Zimthele will give birth the same month. What if we give birth on the same day? That would be really crazy and funny a little.Sondela has been very supportive, he is excited, as I am. I have already bought new baby clothes. I wonder what we will name him, but I wish it can be a meaningful name that would represent how much I have yearned for a child.
He is going to be at Zimthele tonight.
I’m still at my in-laws, I’ve completely forgotten about my house. It’s nice here, I get to be with people when Sondela isn’t around. When all of this is over, I will be able to go back to my house..
No one has come forward with the truth. Everyone says they didn’t do it. My gut tells me it’s Zimthele. Yeey she has been acting very suspicious lately, she’s always jumpy and sneaking around. And I once saw a red mark on her back, I know I didn’t do it. But these are all theories, and quite frankly I don’t have time to investigate it. We have more pressing issues.
Both my babies are going to be here soon. I can’t wait. Two boys! I’m the luckiest man alive.
Bayanda keeps on rubbing his wrist.
Sondela:Does it hurt?
He is better than before; we can now hold a conversation without him storming out. I feel really terrible that I thought he wasn’t my son.
Bayanda:No. I lost my bracelet.
Sondela:Did you check your room?
Bayanda:Ngizobheka futhi (I will check again).
He went to his room.
Zenande went to a play date, what is it with these kids of today and play dates? But anything to make my princess happy.
Zimthele:Where is Bayanda?
Sondela:Oh he went to his room, he says he lost his bracelet.
She shoots her eyes open and touches her boobs in panic. Okay?
Sondela:You okay?
Zimthele:Uhmm yea. I will help him look.
She quickly disappeared.
I took my phone and texted with Langelihle.
‘What are you doing there?’- Sondela
‘Should you even be texting me while you are with sister wife?🙄’-Langelihle
‘She went out for a couple of minutes’-Sondela
‘I am baking a cake with ma🎂’-Langelihle
‘Leave some for me?’-Sondela
‘You know what cake is waiting for you Mr’-Langelihle
I laugh a little.
‘You’re so naughty Ms. I’m not safe with you anymore’-Sondela
‘I will tie you up when we can be sexually active again’-Langelihle
‘Tie me up?’-Sondela
‘Yeah, like they do in movies. I already bought the ropes and chains and kinky stuff. I want to experience some crazy shit sex before I can give birth.’-Langelihle
I smiled and licked my lips.
‘Oh I’ll definitely be waiting for that day babe.’-Sondela
‘Kodwa Sondela niyasibulala shame(You are killing me shame) , I’m horny and we can’t have sex because someone between you and Zimthele gave us an infection 😏. If only I had a dildo.’-Langelihle
‘I will burn it, don’t even dare. You have the real thing here with me. No need for toys’-Sondela
‘I had it but you didn’t see it.👀’-Langelihle
I choked on my saliva. A sex toy? Langa?
‘You want to see me sweating? You have a sex toy?’-Sondela
‘Bye Mvelase. Ma is calling me😚’-Langelihle
‘Langelihle we are still talking. What is that sex toy you’re talking about?’-Sondela.
She didn’t reply anymore. I called her but she wasn’t answering.
Started working here two weeks ago, and I haven’t gotten used to it. Serving people and saying “Yes madam” is really not something that I enjoy. This family is annoying, they are forever demanding things. The children are the worst, they are so spoilt and so rude. They see me like I’m a trash. I’m bending my back backwards for them everyday.
“Mam Virgin can I have some snacks in my room please”, arrg! One of the brats shouts. I am still mopping the floor here, couldn’t she come down and get her own snacks?
I sigh and get her the snacks. I go up the stairs to her room and give them to her. She was typing on her laptop.
“Thank you ma Virgin, aww itshitshi Phaqa madoda!”
I rolled my eyes and went back down stairs to continue with what I was doing.
I never thought I would be doing this type of work ever, but it’s to make ends meet. If me and Phil are to move out of my mom’s house, we need at least some money to boost us for a few months.