The Blackmail

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A.N.: okay, this fic contains graphic depictions of violence, threats, depictions of injuries... it's not a fun read! so read at your own risk <3

anyway, please enjoy this fic of how i hope they end the travis mayor storyline. this is the longest one shot i have ever written.

All Travis was doing for running for Mayor. He signed himself up to potentially be the Mayor of Seattle because he didn't want a corrupt and borderline criminal, Michael Dixon, to run the city he served as a firefighter into the ground. That's all he was intending to do.

But the race got dirty.

It started off as innocent remarks that Dixon threw at Travis when PD was called to a scene that 19 were called to as well. They were comments about the fact he wouldn't win, about Dixon's well-known status in the city as opposed to Travis being a 'nobody', about Dixon having tons of allies who had voting power. That's all it was.

But then, one day, after Travis, along with Vic and Andy, stayed behind to work overhaul after a house fire, Dixon weaselled his way onto the scene which was still fire-taped off to the public.

"Hey," Andy called attention to Travis and Vic who were busy securing the front windows. "Dixon, 9 o'clock."

Vic rolled her eyes whilst looking at Travis, whose teeth were grinding already. She could have seen the anger from a mile away in all honesty.

"It's not worth it." She told him as she saw the cogs turning in his brain, trying to work out what to say when Dixon inevitably made his way over to the pair.

"Evening, 19," Dixon greeted them in his classic smug voice. "I'm not here to boast about how I'm going to win because if I say it every time I see you, Travis, it will get old." He side-eyed the firefighter.

"It's not old already...?" Vic whispered to Travis and made him chuckle a little.

Dixon heard the comment from her and glared for a second, before walking slowly closer to Travis, clearly trying to intimidate the man."Anyway..." He began. "I suggest you give up with your 'moral' campaign, Montgomery."

"And why would I do that and let you be mayor of this city?" Travis finally spoke up, moving away from Vic and closer to Dixon.

"The people won't vote for an openly gay and Asian man." He replied with his whole chest. "So, I personally think you should withdraw your candidacy before things get a little ugly. I have dirt on you that I can easily expose into the world... and then no one will ever vote for you or trust you to put out their house fire or save their granny from a heart attack ever again."

Travis scoffed and mumbled, "Yeah, right."

"Oh, I do." He moved even closer, now only a few inches in front of Travis. "Pull out of the race or I'll expose your stint in jail after you beat a guy up for talking crap about your little friend over there." He spoke just above a whisper, his eyes averting to Vic after mentioning her ever-so casually in the blackmail.

Travis didn't know how to respond. That all happened so long ago, and after his charges got dropped, he thought it got wiped from his records completely. But Dixon had his connections within the Police Department and obviously did some digging, and he was going to do whatever it would take to win.

"Consider that your warning." He smirked and then turned around and left the scene, leaving the three firefighters to digest what was just said to them.

Dixon almost always left the people he was talking to stunned and silenced. It was something that every single person he'd ever talked to hated. They all hated that they couldn't find the words in time to bite back at the man who was clearly just looking for attention and hoping to create drama. And it was especially affecting Travis because he so desperately wanted to fight back and give him a taste of his own medicine, but he just was never quick enough.

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