2.) I'm a what?

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"So your dad got you a babysitter?" Savannah giggled over facetime as she and Luke got ready together. They did it every morning before school, and Luke loved it, even though it meant waking up an hour earlier to support Sav while she did her makeup.

"It's not funny! Quite frankly, this does not bode well for Harrison's party." Luke threatened playfully, though the sad truth was that it might not be a joke. How was he going to get out of the house?

"How dare you!" Savannah gasped, hardly containing a giggle. "Anyways, it's not like you're new to sneaking out. Our plans shouldn't change that much, right?"

"He's younger than my dad by about a decade. He probably knows all my tricks. I'll find a way, though." Luke schemed, digging his teeth into his bottom lip as he pulled a powder blue shirt over his head.

"Exactly a decade, I do, and no you won't." A deep voice mocked from behind him, causing him to jump. "Your dad needs you." Luke ignored the small giggles emitting from his phone and rolled his eyes.

"For future reference, walking into a teenage boy's room without knocking is probably a bad idea." Luke sighs, before turning back to his phone. "I'll see you at school." Luke sighed, hanging up and tucking his phone in his back pocket before following Kane down the stairs.

"Good morning! I'm leaving for my trip." Reece said loudly with extended arms, smiling at Luke as his loud, irritating voice echoed through the large corridor. Luke couldn't be bothered, rolling his eyes and waving the air around him as he turned around.

"Okay, have a nice trip." Luke groaned, letting his feet carry him toward the food.

"No hug?" Reece begs his son who didn't even bother to turn around, completely ignoring him. Luke walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple out of the fridge as he heard the front door close and the cluncks of dress shoes walking across the kitchen.

"That was cold," Kane grumbled. Luke took personal offense. Kane didn't know his relationship with his father well enough to make comments about it.

"Why are you dressed like a man in black? You're on vacation." Luke mumbled before walking out of the kitchen and towards the front door. Kane just rolled his eyes.

"Do you need a ride?" Kane asked, taking a few steps toward the direction Luke was headed.

"No, I'll walk."


"Was that him in the doorway?" Savannah asked, giggling with excitement as she and Luke stood alongside the rest of the popular crowd.

"Yeah. he's already acting like an asshole." Luke sighed. "My dad left this morning, so we'll see how that goes."

"A sexy asshole." Savannah gushed, elbowing Luke sharply on his shoulder. He stared at her with annoyed eyes. "Come on, admit it! He might suck but at least he's hot."

"Fine, he's a sexy asshole," Luke admits. "But he probably won't-"

"I'm a what?" A familiar deep voice booms from behind Luke, causing him to jump. Luke spun around to look up at the tall figure. "You left your computer at home." Kane handed him his laptop before scanning him with his eyes and turning around, practically sprinting back to his car. Luke turned back around to see Savannah on the verge of tears.

"It's not funny!" He exclaimed as he and his group make their way inside the school building. Savannah burst into laughter and widened her eyes at Luke, clutching her stomach.

"That's debatable-" She says in between breaths, her ebony skin wrinkling under her eyes as she did everything in her power not to knock herself over with her enjoyment.

"I'm glad I entertain you." Luke sighed as Savannah recovered. "Why does he have to be the most inconvenient person I've ever known?"

"Hey, babe." Easton beamed, wrapping his arms around Luke as Savannah opened her locker. Luke spun around and stood on his toes, kissing him on his cheek. "Are you coming with us to hang out on the boardwalk?" Luke groaned and lets the back of his head hit the locker.

"Maybe? It depends on how easily I can get around my babysitter." Luke explained vaguely, earning a confused look from his boyfriend. "I'll explain at lunch, but I gotta get ready for chem."


When Luke got home from school, he moved the tallest ladder he could find to the side of his house, and then ran straight to his room to avoid having to talk to Kane. Inside his walk-in closet, he sifted through all the clothes he could find and settled on a tank top and some shorts for his outing that night, since Santa Cruise was relatively hot that time of year.

He had a plan, although it was a simple one. Luke feared that it might be too simple, and he might get caught. It was making him quite nervous.

"You just gotta get out the window, and then you're safe. We ask for forgiveness, not permission." He mumbled to himself as he got dressed, and propped open his window. He stuck his head out and watched the glow of headlights creep around the corner.

Luke's room was on the second story, but luckily this wasn't his first time using the window and his friends had helped him scheme this years before. He grabbed the ladder and placed it as needed, slowly climbing down. He had a fear of heights, but he had a worse fear of missing out.

He wobbled, unable to tell if it was his phobia of getting caught or of falling that was making him so nervous, before finally reaching the ground.

He got to the bottom and sprinted to the car at the end of his driveway, Savannah and Easton whooping and hollering out of the window as Luke's ash-brown hair blew in the wind.

"Go, go, go!" He yelled, laughing from the adrenaline rush as he jumped in and closed the door. Savannah booked it, speeding down the street.

Within five minutes, they had met up with the rest of the group at the beach and were making their way to the boardwalk, giggling at each other's nonsensical sense of humor. Easton's arm snaked around Luke's waist as they walked around, enjoying the shops and discussing if they should party later that night or not. 

As the group stopped and sat down for a moment, Easton eyed Luke, taking in the view before grabbing Luke's wrist and jerking him closer, forcing their lips together. Luke felt his cheeks heat up as Savannah whistled in support before Easton pulled away.

"What was that for?" Luke asked quietly with sparkling eyes as Easton bit his lip, shrugging as if he hadn't just kissed him in public for the first time.

"Felt like it was a good time..." He mumbles awkwardly, unable to contain his smile. Luke's face lit up along with his as he draped his arms around Easton's shoulders.

"Do you think it's still a good time?" Luke gushed. Easton took the hint and leaned back over, their lips meeting for only a second before that oh-so-familiar voice boomed from behind them.

"What the hell are you doing?!"


Word Count: 1176

Next Publish Date: 9/27/2022

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