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Prologue- Human and Strength .

It was a normal day it Tokyo Japan. Our MC Ningen Chikara was having a average day following his everyday schedule. After a great weekend he slept at 10AM to wake up at 6PM in the morning for a regular school day. He woke up stretched out his joints and headed to the washroom to start his routine. He brushed his teeth, had a wash, dried out his hair, got dressed picked up his school bag and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Ohayogozaimasu" speaks Ningen softly for the rule of no shouting within the house.

"Ohayo Ningen-Kun. Ready for school i hope" speaks Kohei Otome formerly Kohei Chikara or Mrs.Chikara she took back her fathers name after the death of her husband Ishi Chikara. Whilst Ningen kept his fathers despite his mothers protest against it. 

Ishi Chikara was a police officer that was assassinated on his way back home. The perpetrator was never found or caught. He died when Ningen was 7 its been 9 year's since his death. Ningen is now sixteen year's of age.

"I am Kaa-San. what's for breakfast."

"Good. we are having rice miso soup and ohitash." responds Kohei

"so the regular" Responds Ningen.

"Yeah... Why dont you eat you have to leave for school soon.


Alright a short prologue of this new General fiction. I hope you'll are as exited for this story and if my Japanese is wrong... Blame Google Translate. Anyway I hope you'll have a great day JA~NE.

And BTW Ningen is basically Kirigaya from SAO but with red eyes.

And BTW Ningen is basically Kirigaya from SAO but with red eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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