Chapter 1: The start

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3rd pov:
It was another normal day until it wasn't.
Tom Simons the great woke up to another meaningless day, Today is the day that he meets his newfound foster family :)
"Alright Tommy you ready to meet your new family?" Said Hannah the caretaker of the orphanage.
"Hannah please stop calling them family I don't even know if they might put me back in this hellhole" Tommy grumbled, just thinking about a new family is worrying enough for Tommy he doesn't even know if they actually want him or just gonna use him. Just like the rest of them did...

Hannah knows this but she is still giving hope that Tommy finds the right people, people that care for him, people that Tommy can actually call them his own family and that family call him as their own.

Oh how the boy wants a family, it has been his only wish ever since that one day.

That one day that changed his whole entire life course....

Anyways apart from that Hannah can only hope that the family will treat Tommy as a real person that matters and is worth everything. Tommy has been there for Hannah, when he was just a 8 year old kid. Whenever Hannah would hang out with Tommy he would give her a small gift, like a allium flower or a poppy, then he also would make Hannah little drawings of them together (fun fact she hangs them up in her refrigerator ;])

They saw each other as siblings, no not just siblings but something more...
Something like a true family ....
Sadly Hannah can't do anything to help him, she wishes that she can adopt or maybe take Tommy to a trusted family member.

But that's the problem no one wants to help or rather they already have enough problems, another reason why Hannah can't take care of him is because the orphanage...

Stupid government stops her from taking care of Tommy, she is already 22 (idk how old is Hannah but idc and don't want to use google to find out) and they still won't give her permission to take care of him. You know what pisses her off more, it's that the people in charge of the orphanage told her that Tommy got adopted by another family.

She was so sad but she can't do anything to change it.
"You know maybe this family would be nicer!! You never know!" Sighed Hannah

"That's what you said about the other families and yet here I am.." Tommy was angry, sad, used but worst of all he feels terrified.

Hannah got told that Tommy got adopted in the little foster care website not to long ago. The family immediately adopted him and they all kept sending messages saying that they are happy to finally be meeting Tommy. But it also scares her, the family sounds happy through the stupid computer screen but what if they do something terrible or hurt Tommy on purpose....

Well there is only one way to find out...

"Welp, buckle up kid I'm gonna take us to a little cafe," Hannah's eyes started to sadden
Yeah well of course they are sad this would probably might in a 50% chance that she may never see him again...
Tommy starts buckling up noticing her sadden eyes, he also gets sad but smiles. He knows that Hannah has good intentions and loves her dearly but yeah government...

"Okay! Les gooo" Tommy says excited

Authors note:
Ok thanks for reading :)
I am very thankful for the people that are reading this
Anyways I want to say a few things...
1.There might be slow updates
2. I would like that people correct my spelling if anything is wrong
3. I have school
4. Writers block might hit me earlier
5. You gay
6. Sorry if story doesn't make sense but ykyk
7. I forgot
8. Im gay
9. I forgot again
10. Ummmm idkkkkk I literally forgot I swear 😭

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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