Broken Hearted

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"I think we need to talk," Zack said as he looked at me from next to him in the car. That's never a good sign,I bit my lip and waited for what he said next and prepared myself for the worst. "I kissed Ashley" I know they were just words but they hurt so bad. This wasn't real, it could be, it had to be some sort of sick joke. Tears began to fall uncontrollably." Sarena," he said leaning in and putting his hand on my shoulder causing me to remove it. I looked straight down at the floor of the car. "it did mean anything" I ignored him and walked out beginning to walk to my door." Sarena!!" he shouted before I was behind the door.  I fell onto the floor and hugged my knees crying while leaning on the back of the door. 

Amanda came from upstairs and the same." aww Hunny" she pulled me in for the tightest hug ever. "it hurts so bad" I whispered into her ear. She finally released an idea. "alright, you and I are not gonna sulk, she said smiling, "you and I are gonna go to a party tonight at Josh's okay?", she wiped a tear away. from my face. I put on the best smile I could, and then she stood up and grabbed my hand to grab. We went to our room and she pulled out a white long sleeve crop top and washed-out ripped jeans for me to wear." we're gonna have fun tonight, I promise" she smiled and said before she walked out of the room. I sat down on the bed and cried a little more before finally putting my clothes on. After being changed I walked downstairs to where she was."beautiful" she smiled glancing at me from downstairs.

 The minute I got downstairs she pulled me into a big hug. "ready to go?" she asked pulling away. I smiled and we both walked out to the cat. When we got there, everyone was already there. We got out of the car and everyone greeted us and gave us hugs. "c'mon, everyone's is playing seven minutes in heaven"  Cynthia signaled us to the house. "I'll be right there" "okay" everyone began to walk away as i stood there. I went to the movie room that was empty and sat down and began to cry.  I've been trying to be so brave for so long and I couldn't keep it in anymore. I put my hands on my face and just cried. "are you okay? I familiar voice asked me,  I looked up and saw Luca standing there.  "I heard what happened?" he sat down next to me. I just looked him straight in the eyes and began to cry some more. He pulled me in for a hug and leaned my head on his shoulder. He put his hand on my back and just let me cry on him. Like I wanted to, I didn't even wanna be here. 

   Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter, sorry it was short but hope you guys enjoyed it, and sorry for the cringe

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