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"Really. She is the same girl?" Jatin couldn't believe what his friend said through phone.

"Ha. She is Pranav's sister. And dadi wants me to get married to her."


"I agreed!"

"Is this the same guy who proclaimed that he wanted to die single?"

"Shut up. You know I will do anything for dadi's happiness."

"Oh, so not because she is the same girl whom you have  a crush on?"

"Jatin . I already told you. I don't have a crush on her. It's just that I . . I can't forget her face. I feel like seeing her all the time. But I am definitely  not in love with her."

"Oh don't worry. It will happen soon. What you said right now are the first symptoms of love."

"C'mon. Don't forget that I am Raghav Rao!"

"Okay. Now tell me something. Why did you agreed to marry her then?"

"Because I will have her near to me, all the time. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less."

"You sure?"

"Yes, I am"

"But what about her?"


"What if she disagrees?"

"Who will reject me? No she won't!"

"Raghav don't be so over-confident!"

"If she disagrees, then I have my own ways to get what I want. Right now, I want our marriage to happen and if  I need her to become Mrs. Pallavi Raghav Rao, then no matter what will become Mrs. Pallavi Raghav Rao."

"Okay, leave it. So when are you going to meet her?"

"Tomorrow, dadi is going to meet her parents. If things do well, I will meet them soon after that. Anyway, tomorrow she will get my number. I am sure she will call me!" Raghav said with a smirk.

"I just hope that I will get my bhabhi soon. Anyway good night. You need time to dream about your would-be queen right?"

"Jatin , I told you already that I don't feel anything for her." He said firmly even though he knew that he was lying somewhere.

"Let's see" with that he cut the call.

You better agree Pallavi; otherwise I will do something which won't be good for both of us! He said with dark eyes!

You better agree Pallavi; otherwise I will do something which won't be good for both of us! He said with dark eyes!

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Meera made sure that all the arrangements are perfect. It's the first time Rithu's dadi is visiting their home. Mahesh and Pranav were at home and Pallavi was helping her with preparations.

When Geethanjali's car entered their premise they went out to receive her. Pallavi looked at Meera as soon as she saw her face.

"Maa, she was the same dadi we saw at the temple , right?"

And then, she happened! (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now