A Night Out

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Sarah sat beside Asmodeus as they were at a salon while a pair of succubi worked on their hair. She felt a little awkward with so many demons staring at her. Noting how uncomfortable she was starting to feel, Asmo reached a hand over and patted her right knee in a comforting manner.

The succubus behind Sarah turned her chair a little before leaning down to whisper into her ear, "Since you are a guest of Lord Diavolo, I will make sure you are safe. I have a no violence policy in my salon. So just relax.."

Sarah released a breath she didn't know she was holding as she saw the blond demoness style her long black locks. Normally, she would just have it up in a messy bun or a high tail but she needed to do something a little different with it, or at least that was the excuse she told Asmodeus when she asked him about a place to go to have her hair styled.

"So.." the succubus started as she began to trim Sarah's dead ends, "..any special occasion coming up that prompted the need for a new look?"

A dark flush crept over Sarah's cheeks, looking away from the mirror that clearly showed how flustered she looked,"Do I need a reason to have a new look?"

The demon behind her paused as she held a pair of scissors in her hand, "Honey, no woman changes their appearance on a whim. There has to be a reason, right?"

Well, so much for keeping her secret to herself. "I'm ah...going on a date later tonight."

Asmo's ears perked up, "Ohhh! Now why is this the first that I am hearing this?"

"You..never asked?" she muttered softly.

This new bit of news made the Avatar of Lust giggle with glee, "Who is lucky enough to spend time with my precious Sarah? Come now darling. Don't be shy with the details."

Sinking a little in her chair, she felt an invisible spotlight over her. She should have lied again to avoid the attention. Well, it was too late for that now. Still..it felt awkward when she was the center of attention with several people staring at her.

"Um..w-well, I plan on spending an evening with Satan."

Her reply caught the attention of both the succubi in the salon, giving each other a knowing glance. The demon that was working on her hair gave a toothy grin, "Ahh..you caught the eye of the Avatar of Wrath. Lucky woman. I'm surprised he has time for a mortal. Where do you plan on going?"

Sarah felt a judgmental glance from the demon behind her as she replied, "We were just going to spend the evening at a cafe and chat a bit."

Asmo raised a hand to his lips, pretending to yawn, "Oh honey, I am sure you two can do so much better than that. Learn to live a little! I think pulling him out of his comfort zone would be amusing. Ohhh! How about the new dance club that just opened! I heard that they managed to have a witch come here once a week to DJ the music. You simply must go!"

Sarah raised a brow at Asmo, "Ah..I don't know. He doesn't seem like the night club type.."

Asmo gave her a knowing wink, "I know.~ Here, allow me to make the arrangements for you."

Pulling out his D.D.D. , Asmodeus sent a text to his brother.

[Asmodeus:] Satan!~ Sarah told me about your little date tonight!

[Asmodeus:] I just suggested that the two of you should TOTALLY go to the new night club that opened.

[Asmodeus:] I'll make reservations for you now. You can thank me later.~

[Satan:] ...I don't have a choice in the matter, do I?

[Satan:] I bet you just pried into her business to find out.

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