The Johnson's

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Earl Johnson
Lily has been hostile after being moved into the retirement community. I think Christian is brilliant for having done this to Lily. I especially love the VW micro bus. I mean if Lily truly knew how much that bus could bring on the open market she would sell it, but she can't sell it, because it belongs to GEH. I love the fact she lives next door to Christian's grandparents. The condominium is great and it has a nursery ready and waiting filled with baby things. She can't return anything or sell it. Staff come in once a week with groceries and they clean and stock supplies for her. I think she has no idea how lucky she is and the fact he gave her anything at all shows the kind of man he is. He could have told her to go fly a kite. He was out of town and proved it and I saw her cheating on him. The baby could be anyones at all. Her community service at the soup kitchen was making her exhausted. But she has to work there for 1900 more hours.
Alice Johnson
I thought I raised her better than this, she knows that Christian isn't the father of that baby. That is if she is even pregnant. The Trvelyan's and Earl and I have became close. They don't like our daughter and I understand why. We don't think her and Christian ever worked as a couple. I think she is crazy and should be seen by a psychiatrist on a regular basis. Lily hates it when we chat with any of her neighbors.
It makes Lily mad when Theo and I invite her parents over for dinner. How they had that piece of crap is beyond me. Even they think she needs to learn lessons on how to treat others and to keep her clothes on. She is now four months along and Christian has Grace go with her to the OB per their agreement. Anastasia and Louis are back in school and are doing very well. Mia and Anastasia are in the same classes.
At first she was awkward, but Mia said she found her footing and she is doing good now. Mom found Anastasia had a gun in her things and they put it in a gun safe unloaded with Jason's help. I visited my grandparents and discovered that Lily is one of her neighbors. She pointed out the VW micro bus that Christian is making her drive. I took photos of her condo and the micro bus. I just laugh and I show mom and dad and they both laugh at his choice of residence and vehicle for her to drive. She has to drive and ride in the bus as her security rides in a luxury car. Grandma says her and Theo are enjoying being the eyes and ears that see all, hear all and tell all. I am leaving and as I get in the car Lily heads towards us, but my driver prevents her from reaching me and drives off with my coverts following us. She definitely looks pregnant, but she could be wearing padding who knows. As I hear the proof is in the pudding and time will come soon enough for the pudding to be born and DNA taken. Christian is not a liar about things like this. If there was a possibility of him being the father of this baby he wouldn't fight so hard to uncover the truth and he has no doubt that he isn't the father. The only way he could be is if she stole his sperm had it frozen and used it when she knew he was going to break up with her. I decided to have this possibility investigated. I call dad and tell him a scary theory that I have had and he thinks it is worth looking into and mom and him will talk to Christian and they did.
I get Christian on the phone and asked him if it was possible Lily got hold of his sperm from a used condom and had it frozen to use a a later date? He said he was looking into it and so far they haven't found anything that would make them think she had done it, but she is really clever in the worst ways.
She uses her super powers for evil. It is a sad thing that she has never tried to use them for good. The Moores are not happy she is doing community service at their soup kitchen but they are giving her the worse jobs because of her attitude towards the homeless they keep her cleaning in the kitchen and whenever and wherever they need her. I am going to get someone digging into this and we will find out for sure. She only has a month or so to to have the baby.
I couldn't let what Mia said about Lily possibly finding some way to steal Christian's sperm and freezing it and using it to get pregnant when she realized he was ending things. When he broke things off she decided it was now or never. I hope she isn't the mother of my grandchild, but if she is we will get to the bottom of this. The conception date included the day she arrived uninvited to our home and  Christian found her naked in his living room, he has proof he didn't have sex with her that night on video. He saved it just in case something like this came up. Otherwise that was the only time she was naked in his presence. I tell him various ways that she could have possibly pulled this off without using professional help with it. I also said she could have easily found someone that might have helped her accomplish it without recording it in any medical records. People would do a lot of things to make money.

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