How They Ask You Out

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He asks you out by talking about how some dinosaurs court their mates and you ask why he was suddenly talking about this subject and he let it slip that he was wanting to ask you out by impressing you with his knowledge.


She asked you giving you your favorite flower and telling you she liked you.


He asked when you guys reunited after thinking he was gone and vowed to never leave your side again afterwards.


She excitedly asked you to go with her on a walk and you were curious why she wanted you two go alone and she revealed she liked you.


She tried to confidently tell you he liked you only to trip over his own words and you figure out he was trying to say he liked you and you told him yes.


She gave you a drawing she made of the two of you and had written "Will you go out with me?" on the back and ever since it has been your favorite possession.

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