The first, and only chapter

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It was 12:00 AM and yet again, Adam was having trouble sleeping.
There really wasn't any point in sleeping, since he was dead. But it still felt nice to have at least one thing he could take from the living.

He looked over at his wife, Barbara. She was sleeping soundly, well soundLESSley, because she was a ghost.

He smiled at her, but suddenly he was thinking about something again.

Well, more like someone.

A couple days ago, his semi daughter Lydia had gotten "married" to this really perverted dude, Beetlejuice. The plan was to stop him from, well, beetlejuicing? Adam wasn't sure what the correct terminology was to describe his antics. Anywho, the point of this was so Beetlejuice could be brought back to life, then killed again. It was really... something, to say the least.

Anyway he had a midlife crisis and was killed. Now he's back in the Netherworld. But there was one very, how you say, special part for Adam. He had to convince, well, act like he was in love with Beetlejuice. Adam wasn't a good actor, which was part of the problem.

Because at this point, he wasn't sure he had been acting.

Adam believed he really WAS in love with Beetlejuice.

It was a sad thing, because he also loved Barbara, his wife. He would never be disloyal to her. After all they had been through, it wouldn't be fair to just... be with someone else.

Slowly, Adam crept to the edge of the bed. Barbara hadn't stirred. She was still asleep. Adam sighed, and sat down on the bed, causing it to creak.

That woke Barbara up.

"Adam? Sweetheart? What are you doing?" She asked, her voice still groggy from sleep.

"Just thinking." Adam answered.

"About what?"

"Not about life, that's for sure!" Both of the Maitlands laughed at that one. See, this was the life, well not life, but the THING Adam wanted. A happy time, a good woman.

"Adam?" Barbara asked, since Adam hadn't spoken for a minute or two.

"Barbara... I love you. I do. And I need you to know that." Adam said, grabbing onto his wife's hands.

"Adam, of course you know I know that. Sweetheart, what is going on?" Barbara asked, concern lining her voice.

"Barbara... I.. might love someone else. But I still love you!"

"Oh." Barbara pulled her hands away from his.

"Barbara, I still love you. Please... it's just been complicated for me and I-"

"Adam, I get it. But I just have to know, is it something I did?"

"Barbara, no, I still love you I just-"

"You just love someone else."


An awkward silence filled the air. None of the Maitlands said anything. Finally, Barbara spoke.

"Adam." She said in a small voice. He looked up at her.

"Is it.. is your.. crush.. that.. horrible, disturbing, pervert, Beetlejuice?"

Adam refused to meet her eyes.

"Is it?"

He still couldn't admit it.


"Yes. Yes, Barbara, it's him. I'm in love with Beetlejuice."

More silence. More awkwardness. Till finally, Barbara spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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