Episode 1| What Revolves Around The Blue Sun

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Liam Kinetico

Jess and Galayo and I were in the Frozen Amazon Forest hunting this pack of Werewolves thugs who been torturing the nearby village. I had my revolver in hand ready when a flock of albino crows flew in our way. Our Wolf Tracker went crazy flashing letting us know they shifted. Jess made her hands do the glowing thing and I felt that pull her magic does. Galayo held up his starsword and holographic shield and stood ahead of us. We walked deeper into the icy forest till we found a massive cave, big enough for a fully shifted Werewolf.

"Be ready for anything... There is no telling what these Wolves are capable of." Galayo said to us as we entered the cave.

I clicked my revolver on blast and powered my goggles to be able to see in the dark of the cave. Everything was highlighted green and I saw the heat signatures of my comrades. That's when we were attacked by the pack.

They had stolen ray guns and spellbombs that they used against us. Galayo shield easily ate the beams from their ray guns. It was the spellbombs that threw us for a loop. When they hit the ground a psychedelic fog was released causing our vision to be wonky. The cave started to look like a kaleidoscope and the Wolves were a part of it. They howled so loud it cracked the lens of my goggles. Jess flew up in the air and casted her aura onto the rock of the cave and made them into sharp silver. She moved the sharp metal towards the pack trying to hit them. Her metal cut a few of them making them flesh sizzle and bleed, however they had a pretty strong healing factor. She would have to try something else and aim for the head to kill them. I shot my revolver, making it fire several silver bullets at once.

Silver burned their flesh on contact. It's their weakness. I summoned my inhibitor chains via my mits and attempted to bring a Wolf down causing them to shift back into their Human state. Galayo swung his starsword to cut one of them and got him good. He blocked the scratching the others tried to do with his holoshields surrounding him. He stabbed another Wolf in the chest and went on to the next. I watched him run along the side of the cave and pushed two guns holding Wolves back with a holo shield. I manage to capture a Wolf in the chains and forced him to shift back. He was normal looking enough except for his eyes. They screamed Monster.

You could always tell with the look of the eyes. Monsters in my world all have wonky eyes of some sort. They could hid it even with magic. Though many had tried with the use of technology and those damned eye contacts you can get from any local drugstore.

The Human Wolf had shaggy hair in a ponytail. He was muscular with gang tattoos all over his arms. He struggled with the inhibitor chains for a bit till Jess casted her aura on him by grabbing his throat. She chanted her usual magic words to bewitch him. He was now on our side. Jess ordered him to attack his pack and without missing a beat he did as she ordered. He summoned two daggers from thin air and started taking down the pack full force.

After the pack was killed we went back to the Blue Son headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, United Brazil. We took our bewitched Werewolf guy with us since the spell was tied to Jess's life force. Back at headquarters we spoke with the Blue Son Commanding Officer. The Commander told us we did a swell job before giving us our next mission in Yorkstan, America.

The mission was to kill a Vampire Agent with the VR before he got to his target. Vampire Agents normal covert important public figures to make them part of VR. Yeah, in case you didn't already know Vampires have their own Republic. They are trying to take over the world. Blue Son trying to stop them. It's hard because Vamps are always coming back with the help of technology. They don't die under the blue sun of Earth.

Most Vamps are a part of that elitist class that run the world. Their big cheese is the infamous Count Dracula Vanhousen. We have been trying to find his ass for a while now. But he is untouchable. He leaves no trace but his reach is as vast as the Atlantic Ocean.

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