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Being in this place makes me remember moments from the past. Everywhere I look, everything I see reminds me of what happened...

The blood on my hands... The forest around me... The fires burning and the ruins...

The snow... It's snowing!

It's like nothing has changed. But it has... I'm not 15 anymore! I have to get over the past!

"Ray, can you stop staring and come help me? " Sol needs me.

We found Ina's body next to some rocks. When Sol first saw her he didn't say anything. He just closed her eyes, covered her body with some snow that had just built up to preserve her body. He then started looking around the nearby ruins left behind by the pieces that had fallen.

Sol limps towards a big metal sheet in a crater made by some debris and grabs it with his free hand. He slowly drags it closer to where I stand, leaves it by a tree and then immediately goes to grab another. I'm standing by Ina's lightly snow covered body trying to comprehend the whole situation.

As the snow piles over her body I notice the scenery around. Giant spruce trees surround us. Other than some grass and bushes nothing else seems to be able to grow in this rocky ground. It's breathtaking enough to distract me from the situation for a few seconds.

"Are you going to help me or what!"

"I-I'm coming"

I should help with the shelter; this weather doesn't seem like it's going to get better any time soon.

I go to my brother who is heading towards a different crater to salvage more materials. The wounds on his head are sketchily wrapped with the torn out sleeve from his jacket. He's using a walking stick to ease the strain on his injured leg.

I help him move a plate that he found back to the tree next to Ina. By the time we move enough scraps to make a shelter barely fitting two people, Ina's body was completely covered in snow.

• • •

After Sol made sure the shelter was stable, we went back to our escape pod to search it.

It took us three hours to get to the pod, search it, and get back to our shelter with just enough supplies to last us two days. The trip didn't take us that long on the way there, but in the meantime, the snow that doesn't seem to ever stop falling, had piled up and it made it really hard to walk. We were lucky that the emergency supplies of the escape pod hadn't exploded upon landing.

Along with the supplies Sol ripped apart another machine that was partly destroyed by the impact and took it with him. I didn't ask him what it was for. Knowing my brother, he had a good reason for taking it.

On the way back he was constantly fiddling with the parts he took and although I didn't see him, l thought he pumped his arm in excitement, but maybe I was wrong.

By the time we made it back, the sun had almost set. We decided to sit inside the shelter and eat one of the compact nutrition bars from the supplies we recovered.

The bland-tasting bar felt more like a brick than actual food. After we finished eating, I decided to search the medical supplies for tools to try and fix our injuries.

Unfortunately the box didn't have enough equipment for Sol's leg but it was enough for the serious injury on his head.

"Oh my...Sol... "

As I take of the tied sleeve from his head that was sticking to it due to the dried blood, I noticed that it looked like it was going to get infected if left untreated.

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