Answers unaimed part 3: Instruction

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 Ghiri walked with purpose back into the room Enix had originally burst into, the boy following in tow. His metallic friends scuttled to him as he returned, bumping against his leg as Ingot looked up to him. He leaned down to rustle the small creature as it hummed, Vice wrapping itself around the boy's arm.

"Okay what did he mean by that?"

I am sure my master will inform you when the time comes.

"But I need to know now!"

My master did not deem it so.

"Then why did he just give me the name?!" The boy groaned in frustration.

Perhaps he believes you are ready only to hear the cause, not understand it. He wishes for you to be aware but likely felt you unprepared to grasp the full situation.

Enix was quiet at that, but still sulked. His journey had a purpose that continued to be obscured to him.

While you were with my maker, he ordered me to analyze your capabilities in order to procure a plan for your training. Tell me, are you accustomed to armed combat?

"Uhm, not really? I tend to avoid conflict in general."

While a safe measure, it is wise to prepare yourself, and be able to defend yourself at the very least. From what I have observed, you utilize your environment to your advantage. A good strategy, but one born from your lack of abilities. Tell me, have you explored your ability at all?

"My ability?"

The screens you have noted, how the skills you have gathered are displayed to you, and your statistics. You have quite a unique ability. We will explore its lengths and limitations throughout your stay here. For now, however...

They were back in the main room, standing before the altar as the multi-limbed humanoid waved his hands around it, forming strange symbols and tracing them in the air. Almost instantly, the wall behind the altar began to tremble. The thick layer of ivy that had covered the wall retracted, and behind it sat a massive mural depicting three individuals mid-air, embracing the rays of a light beaming from above. Below sat several strange structures of various sizes, one similar in geometric shape to the Foundry in the bottom center. As the ivy began to move away a trail of dust fell from the top of the mural, forming a line down the middle as the two halves slid away from each other, revealing a massive chamber within.

The ceiling of the chamber was open in a kite shape, offering sunlight to the grass floor below it. Pillars followed the shape of the ceiling along the walls, with steps leading to higher elevated passageways. A small stone pedestal, in the same shape as the open ceiling, sat in the center of the grass floor. The boy's eyes were immediately drawn to the far end, a massive statue poised kneeling at the end, an impressively long weapon in one thick hand, ending with two pronged semicircular heads. The statue was that of some armored figure, with tower-like structures for shoulders and forearms. Two curved structures rose from its back, similar in sight to the top of its weapon, like pieces of a half circle that did not meet. It was a hulking figure that stood out, as its sheen appeared metallic instead of stone.

This is where your training will take place. We will analyze your capabilities here, and hone your skills until my master deems you fit and proper. Now, have you had any experience with weaponry?

"Well, I'm used to shortswords, I guess I don't really have a preference."

Then you will be made accustomed to blades. I see you can recover rather quickly, so we will be splitting your time between honing your physical as well as your mental capabilities. Tell me of your abilities.

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