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The Black phone imagine

Gender Neutral

(I actually don't know)

I guess sad?

I'm so bored rn

3rd person!

°As they were about to scream in pain, they got shaken awake by something. "Y/n darling, get up you have school!" They groaned as they woke up and adjusted their eyes to the bright light in the room. They sat up and slid off their bed.

°They took a quick shower and changed into their prefered style of clothing. They quickly brushed their teeth before doing whatever they want with their hair, not really caring too much about their appearance since nobody lookes their way anyways.

°They quickly said bye to their Parental figure before rushing out of their house. As they turned around to shut their gate, something bumped into them. "Oh gosh! (y/n) are you okay?!" They slowly got up and brushed off their clothing. They turned around to see who bumped into them only to see it was Finney Blake standing next to Gwen Blake, his sister. "Oh yeah, I'm fine! I didn't take too much damage just a little cut.".

°"Are you sure? I have a first aid kid in my bag if you need one-".They were shushed by (y/n). " Yes I'm fine Finn, now let's go before were late." All three of them began walking to school. As Gwen finally finished talking about her fantasies of marrying this ugly guy, Finney stopped abruptly.

°"Come on Finn, we're almost to school." They walked over to Finney and began tugging on his arm. "Yeah yeah I'm coming..Was just looking at the missing posters. It said Bruce Yamada. Meaning it's new.." He began walking again. But keeping quiet as he was thinking of who could be grabbing these kids.

°As they entered the school grounds, chanting was heard ahead. The group of three began running to the crowd, only to see Robin Arellano standing in the circle in front of the biggest asshole Moose. A slur was said and a few insults before Moose swung on Robin. "Bad mistake" y/n mumbled to themselves. Robin started beating Moose ass, showing him and the crowd not to mess with him.

°Gwen were cheering Robin on as the crowd made "oooo-" sounds as Robin dropped Moose to the ground and punched him square in the face. "Don't stop now! Beat his face in!" Y/n shouted. Making Robin smile lightly and start punching Moose until blood was all over the scene. He then got up and walked away. Before they could even go look for him Finney were pulling them away. "What the hell Finn!" Gwen yelled. "Yeah what the hell" y/n agreed.

°"We've got to get to class" Finney muttered. "Yeah, but that was Moose! Aka the biggest asshole in the whole school?" Gwen said with sass in her tone. "Mhm, and doesn't he beat you up?" Y/n questions. "Yeah, but still class is more important then watching a fight."Both of them groaned as they began walking to class. Finney waved bye to Gwen and y/n and him both walked into class. The teacher announced come intrusions and then told everyone to find partners. Y/n turned to Finney, soon realizing he was already partnered with Donna.

°Y/n put their head down as they knew nobody else in the class. Suddenly they hear someone sit beside them and lifted their head slightly. "Hey do you have a partner?" A masculine voice asked. Y/n turned to their left to see who was willing to be friends with the class loner. It was nobody other than THE Robin Arellano! "Uhm- yes.. I mean no. I don't have a partner" They stuttered out mentally cursing themselves out for it.

°"Well now you do!" He said cheerfully. Y/N smiled as they began working on the small project assigned towards the two. ("Apparently he was friends with Finney? I never knew that..") They thought while they nodded to little things Robin said. Taking mental notes of little things he found exciting.A while the class bell rung. And they both began packing up quickly as school were over. Y/n met up with Finney and began talking with him. "Gwen went to her friends like always?" They questioned. "Yup every Friday. Also we can't hang out today since I'm going to tutor Robin Arellano." He said looking at them.

°"Oh that's fine! I didn't feel like leaving the house today anyways! But can I tell you a really big secret. You can't tell anyone. Not even your sister!" Y/n muttered. "Of course!" Finney smiled and leaned towards them. Y/n leaned over and whispered something in his ear that left him shocked. "You like Robin?" He said quite loudly. "Shut up idiot!" They yelled at him as they began seeing people from other classes looks at the both of them. "Sorry sorry... I just was surprised!" He said cheerfully.

°"Yeah well this is my stop. I'll talk to you later Finney!" Y/n said as they opened their gate and walked inside their house. They took a shower and took a nap. A little while later their parental figure walked into the room. "Hey sweetie.... Do you know a kid named Robin A-Are... Are..-" Their guardian struggled to say the last name. "Arellano?" They questioned. "Yeah! Do you know him?" They once finished their question from before. "He's a new friend I made today why?" They furrowed their eyebrows in confusion. "Well um... He's gone..." They said sadly.

°Y/n thought about what that meant before asking. "Gone? What do you mean gone? I just saw him today." They sat up going into a criss cross position. "I mean like... Their missing.... They never came home.." They lowered their head. "Oh... Thanks for telling me.." They said lowly. Their parent nodded their head and closed the door leaving them alone with their thoughts and emotions. The word "Gone" repeated in their head as they teared up.

°Even if they just had met it hurt them. Their first ever crush. Their new friend. The possibility of being together. Is gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. That's all they could think about. As the visions of Robin laughing, fighting, talking, smiling, even his breathing played in their head repeatedly like a never ending record player. They cried themselves to sleep thinking about Robin and only Robin.

That's it because I have no idea what to put

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That's it now...


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2022 ⏰

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