Ep 13; Unpacking

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Anthony is unpacking in his room with his headphones on. He's swaying his hips and humming as he listens to the music. 

He feels a pair of arms wrap around his waist. His headphones are suddenly pulled off his head. Anthony turns around, seeing Ezra hugging him, and realizes he hasn't been wearing a shirt.

Ezra stuffs his face into Anthony's soft back and nuzzles him. 

Anthony is a bit flustered and he uses his tail to try keeping Ezra off of him. 


"Ez.. What are you doing.."

"Mmmm.. Soft~"

Anthony is now even more flustered and he tries to turn around to face Ezra. 

"Ezra.. get. off. now."


Anthony growls a little and takes Ezra's hand. He raises it up to his mouth as if he's gonna kiss it, but instead he bites it.

Bites it hard.

Really hard.


Anthony starts laughing. 

"It's not funny!"

Anthony wipes his tears.

"It is though!"

"Is not!"

Anthony can't stop his laughter.

"Haha! My gosh! I love you so much..."

Anthony says this as a mutter but Ezra still hears him.

"What was that, darling?"

Anthony's face turns a bright red and he covers his face.

"Fuck- I love you too idiot! My god marry me-"

Ezra cuts himself off and he turns red. He looks up at Anthony and covers his mouth.







"Did you just..."

"NO! Fuck- Yes- No- maybe?"


Ezra is extremely flustered and is trying to form words. As he does, Anthony steps up to him, grabs his face, and kisses him. 

His eyes widen as the shorter man kisses him intently. Ezra holds Anthony's face and kisses him back, closing his eyes. Anthony pulls back and gasps for air.

"Fuck- You're good!"

"I am?"




"I love you.."

"I love you too, fuckin dork"

Anthony reaches up and ruffles Ezra's hair, and kisses his cheek.

"Now go cook me something and let me unpack!"

Ezra leaves, chuckling a little.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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