Chapter 1 - Accidental Discovery

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Matthew Williams, and his brother, Alfred F. Jones, were born and raised in a stable household near the border between Montana and Alberta. Alfred, although looking younger and having more of a childish personality, was the older between the two. 

Their parents, Alexandra Williams and Aaron Jones, were often busy. Usually working from 7 AM - 10 PM, meaning, they didn't get to spend much time with their kids. Despite this, Matthew and Alfred's parents aren't that strict, and would always be there for their children. 

Alexandra and Aaron knew that their children needed to be protected at all times. Since their children were still under 13 years old, Alexandra and Aaron hired a full-time caretaker. Unfortunately, that caretaker, wasn't the best person to be a caretaker.

Zaylee Scott, a 17-year old woman was a caretaker since she was 15. She would do her best to please the parents, although, not the children. Matthew and Alfred always have disliked her way of 'taking care' of them. Around the parents, she would always talk in a soft, mature tone, but around children, she was usually unkind, and strict. Matthew and Alfred realized that they had to take care of themselves. 

One evening, Zaylee, Matthew, and Alfred went out shopping. Alfred looked at a forest, it looked dark, and terrifying. He gasped in excitement, and turned to his caretaker. "Can me and Matthew play over there? Please!" Alfred exclaimed. Zaylee sighed, and nodded. Alfred joyfully grabbed his brother's hand, and ran into the forest. 

Several minutes have passed, and the 2 siblings have found a river. Being the children they are, they've decided to play in the river. 

TW: Dr0wn1ng, Fall1ng 0f a cl1ff, D3r3al1zat10n

Matthew and Alfred were playing on opposite sides on the river, one side is barely on the edge on a cliff. 

While they were playing, Matthew saw a shadowy figure push his brother into the river. He shook in fear, staring and the figure. Matthew couldn't tell how long he's been staring. Choking and coughing sounds could be heard. Playing over and over again in the Canadian's ear. He shook, and eventually blacked out. His last memory of that moment was seeing himself fall into the abyss. 

He can't tell anymore. He can't tell what's real, and what's not. Everything felt fake. He doesn't know anymore. His mind is filled with anxious thoughts, preparing to meet the end..

( You can continue reading now )

To Matthew's surprise, he woke up unharmed. He opened his eyes slowly. Matthew gasped in shock, it felt as if he woke up in a wonderland. Everything resembled the beautiful fall. He saw a road behind him, as if he had somehow woken up at the end of it, or perhaps, the start. Beautiful, yellow leaves surrounded the pathway. 

Matthew stood up, and examined his surroundings. He found a small bag, and picked it up. Inside the bag was nearly a thousand, small, orang and yellow leaves. 'Maybe I could use this to find my way back?' He thought. The young Canadian started walking along the path. 

As he was walking, the cool climate started to shift into a warmer one. The yellow leaves began to shift into soft, pink ones. The season changed from autumn to spring. 

Matthew looked around him, and then behind. The leaves he was dropping were growing into seedlings. The feeling of worry was suddenly stripped, and replaced with joy. He felt peace in all of this. Beautiful melodies started playing, ones he has never heard before. This surprisingly didn't trigger any negative emotions, and instead triggered even more positive ones. The memory of losing his brother can't affect him, not right now, not when he's in paradise. 

Eventually, he reached the end. Matthew put his bag down, and looked around. He found a small, crystal ball. Out of curiosity, he decided to hold it. The crystal ball started glowing in a pure, white colour. The white slowly faded into a light green colour. The light surrounded the young Canadian. He and the crystal ball appeared to be fading away. 

Matthew suddenly appeared in a forest. But it was different, it wasn't creepy at all, despite being dark. He noticed that he was holding the crystal ball, and that he was wearing a different outfit than he was before. He looked at the ball he was holding, and tapped it gently. The crystal ball glowed once again, and rolled out of Matthew's hands. To his surprise, it turned into a bear, a pale, white one. 

"W-who are you?" Matthew asked. "My name's Kumajirou, I'm here to assist you in the realms!" The bear replied. "Realms?" The Canadian questioned. "Yep! You're here right now, in the realm of nature!" Kumajirou stated. "I guess I'll have to give you an explanation, huh?" The bear sighed. Matthew nodded in reply.

A/N: I was originally going to make this story about Canada and Nyo!America being siblings, but I changed my mind :^

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