Run Nathan! Run!!

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Nathan ran as fast as his legs could carry him - which wasn't so fast though - through bends and over trash cans, running like a river flowing. He used to be a real menace so he knew how to outsmart people like this. He remembered he left his bike a few blocks from the mansion, so he, on the spur of the moment, ran into a street which steered back to where the bike was. At this point, Nathan was already getting tired, and he was dazed at the sight of what he saw. Straight ahead, there were two motorcycles heading in his direction at max speed. He turned back only to find the deadbeat burly men still coming after him.

Nathan was a fast thinker, a highly intelligent student who was always topping his class, but most times, he was an ache in the head. In the flicker of an eye, Nathan was out of sight. Nathan, the evil prodigy, had jumped off the street, over a fence and onto a lawn. It was pretty dark, so he paid little attention to the environment; probably because of he could see virtually nothing. He spotted a large wooden structure on the lawn and quietly crept behind it. For a split second, Nathan thought he had escaped, not until he began to hear echoing growls from behind. He turned back curiously to find out the source of the rumbles. To his paramount bewilderment, he saw five sparkling pairs of eyeballs reflecting the light beams from the moon. Nathan was still trying to figure out what it was when the first back came. Nathan crawled really fast in attempt to escape this deadly attack but one of his newly found growling friends riveted his trouser around the ankle.

"Oh Craps!" he cried has he struggled to get his trouser unfastened. Nathan was a lover of dogs but these ones didn't seem congenial. As the other dogs drew nearer, he picked up a stick nearby and hit this dog on its head. Nathan skipped to his feet in all fulfilment as he vied his way to the fence and soon enough he was on the other side. He looked in the direction of the house and saw a giant sign "Beware of Dogs". Nathan gave a smirk and decided to brush the dirt off his clothes. He hadn't spent two seconds when he saw the burly men again. In a flash he was back to his business for the night.

The men followed him closely but the reason for the pursuit was seemingly pointless. They pursued Nathan until they got to a cul-de-sac."Go ahead, run boy. Now I've got you", one of them said and they both erupted into laughter.

Since there was nowhere else to go cause at it was a fragmentary bridge with a stony river beneath, they decided to take their time and enjoy the moment. Like in a state of delirium, Nathan ran in the direction of the river and in the twinkle of an eye, he vanished.

"I wish I tortured him to death with my bare hands", one of the brawly men said. They approached the end of the road to gaze upon his corpse but to their greatest surprise, they found him sitting in a boat. Nathan, from afar off had seen the boat and timed his jump perfectly. He put up an infuriating smile and waved at them. The men sought to follow him but they could not. Finally, the end of the not ending chase had come. Nathan sighed heavily has the boat began to approach shore. One of his best experiences ever. But he still didn't get why they wanted to catch him at all cost. He only crashed a party. But maybe it wasn't just any kind of party.

Meanwhile it was still very dark. Nathan just realized that he was still putting on McHale's attire. He really didn't have anything to do with it but he decided to keep it. He was almost at Uncle Greg's house when he remembered his bike. "I'll get that tomorrow", he thought to himself. Happy that it was all over, he playfully walked into to compound. As he approached the back door, He felt a heavy wooden object hitting his head from behind and next he slipped to the ground. He managed to catch the figure of the perpetrator before completely blacking out.

Was it the men from the chase, Uncle Greg, the owner of the dogs or a just one random Killer?

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