Chapter 5

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- So you change it every day? - asked the Nahual - why didn't I know that - he questioned again.

- I always do it when you're not around because you wake up before I do," said Butters as he ran his hands over his face removing the old paint.

Kenny looked closely at the harp's actions, he had never seen him without all that paint around his body and face, although he had already shown him his face without his wolf skull on, in fact Butters was the first one to show him his face completely, why had he never seen his face completely?

Butters finished removing all the paint from his face, arms and feet showing him a somewhat childish but cute and attractive face, he had some spots on his cheeks and his scar on his right eye was more visible and without the paint it highlighted the turquoise blue of his eyes.

Kenny was fascinated by the harp's appearance without that paint on it, he didn't know how to describe what it looked like, different? no, childish? no no that would be like an insult, handsome? maybe a little too high on the flattery, cute? Maybe, it was hard to explain since it was the first time I saw his face completely.

- Can you help me? - Butters asked his friend

- Ah, how? - returned the Nahual's question, coming back to himself.

- To put on some new paint," he said approaching the pitcher.

- Oh, right," said Kenny grabbing the face and taking some of the mixture with his fingertips.

Kenny decided to start with the arms so he took the shorter blond's left arm and ran his fingers over it forming a straight line, dipped his thumb in the mixture and drew some small circles under the line, he did the same with the right arm and the ankles.

- That's it, now all that's missing is your face," said Kenny.

-I can do it myself," said Butters.

-I promise I won't mess up your face," said Kenny, urging the harp to let him try.

-Okay," said Butters, giving the nahual a chance.

Kenny took some of the mixture and placed it on the fingers of his right hand, with the other one he took the other blonde's cheek to have more precision, just by having contact with the harp's skin he felt a shiver down his back and chest, the harp's skin was extremely soft, it was like touching a freshly cut peach, Kenny decided to ignore the strong heartbeat that his heart emitted when touching the other blonde's skin, he ran 2 of his fingers with paint on his cheek forming some stripes.

-Close your eyes," he said to the harp.

Kenny gently ran his thumb across the harp's closed eyelids and down the bridge of her nose. As he did so, he felt under his thumb the harp's thin, thick eyelashes, which felt like little branches under his finger. Kenny finished his work and asked the harp to open its eyes again.

- Open it now," said Kenny.

- Okay," said Butters starting to open both eyes.

Kenny's gaze met the harp's again, now with its new paint, it looked the same but Kenny was now thinking about how it looked a few minutes ago, how it felt to touch its soft cheek, his thoughts were interrupted by a question from the harp.

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