A completely different world

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They read, and ate, and did small talk, and slept, and read, and ate, and did small talk a little more until they finally reached New York.

When they left the train station, Greta breathed in the weird smell of her hometown, loving to find New York even more crowded than when she left.

Carson felt a bit dizzy seeing the rhythm of people walking and talking around her, it was even faster than Chicago, but soon she felt Greta's warm squeeze on her arm and relaxed.

"Ok, I have to go see Hughes, it's already 2, I don't want to be late. We meet back here out of the station at… 6?", she suggested.

"Ok! Gimme your cases, I'll find us a motel room, at least for this first night".

"You can't possibly carry all our stuff, combined they weigh more than you do", she chuckled.

"I'm really strong, I can assure you", she sounded cocky, "come on, suitcases, now".

Greta gave Carson her stuff and cackled watching the smallest woman she had ever met trying to balance the heavyweight.

"Stop laughing or I'll leave your stuff here in the middle of the street", Carson threatened, but she was laughing too.

"6 sharp", Greta said one more time.

"I'll be here".

Carson looked around for a second, stupefied with herself. She had come to New York with Greta. She was here now, the city was moving fast around her and she wasn't even noticing it. She was lovestruck, watching Greta walk away, swaying her hips.

Once Gill was out of her sight, she shook her head, trying to center herself and focus on the tasks ahead. She needed to find a motel. She needed to find a job. She needed to get coffee.

Getting coffee seemed the easiest task at hand. So she started walking down the street looking for a coffee shop or a bakery.

Two minutes later she realized it wouldn't be so easy. She had to carry three small suitcases and her baseball bag and doing that in a crowded street was way too difficult. So maybe trying to find a motel room first was the way to go, she would have a place to put the luggage and afterwards she would be able to walk around freely.

She went down another block, carrying the bags, gasping for air, no motel at sight, but then she saw a bakery on the other side of the street and smiled. It would be coffee first then.

Carson walked inside the place, dropping her things on the floor, occupying most of the space. She searched for change in her pockets while looking at the food on display, a sugar-cream pie caught her attention.

"What can I get you?", a girl behind the counter asked politely.

"I'll have a coffee and a slice of this", Carson pointed at the pie behind the glass.

"We have a small table over there", the blonde pointed to the left, "you can sit and I'll take your order there".

Carson smiled and collected her stuff from the floor, awkwardly walking with the luggage below her arms. She piled them by the chair and sat there.

The lady brought the food a second later. Carson took a sip of the coffee cup and took out her newspaper, starting to read the sports section.

The blonde girl was back behind the counter when Carson decided to start eating. She took a forkful of pie and shrugged at the flavor. Her pie was so much better.

"Is the food ok, ma'am?".

And old man entered the small salon, coming from the kitchens in the back, when Carson answered the question.

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