The Calm That Comes Before

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Wren is starting to believe the Inspector has lost his fucking mind with the spy dead.

"There's another raid?" She asks with a frown. "There anything left to raid in Sparkbrook?"

"Don't think the arsehole cares," Arthur grumbles from his place at the breakfast table.

"He's also...asked us to give up any Fenians or IRA hold outs we know of," Tommy shares. "And I think it goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, that we keep our people out of Sparkbrook."

"We wouldn't want any of ours strung up as IRA sympathizers," Polly huffs, "simply for being in the wrong place."

Wren flicks a glance at John and Keeva, but while Keeva is clearly paying attention, John's more interested in his wife and his food. She'll leave that in the redhead's capable hands.

"Did ya hear about what he'd done to that barman?" Arthur gossips.

"Which one?" Ada asks dry as a desert.

"The one they found day a'fore last," Arthur continues undeterred.

Wren wrinkles her nose in distaste, "who didn't hear about that one?"

"Aye, man had chunks missin' out o' him," John abruptly joins in, proving he'd been paying more attention than Wren had thought.

"Anybody hear if they found what they did with the rest of him?" Arthur asks morbidly.

"Rats likely got it," Wren shrugs.

"This is just lovely conversation to be had at the table," Polly sighs aggressively.

She isn't bothered by the gruesome topic but there are kids about, so Wren helps shift the conversation.

"Kimber's due to stop in soon, isn't he?"

"Next week," Tommy agrees.

"How are the boys doin' at the races?" Arthur asks, curious.

"With the Lees on our side," Tommy gives a nod to Arthur, "they've been doing well. A few potshots from other gangs, but nothing we can't handle."

"Good to hear, good to hear," Arthur nods agreeably. "Pub is doing well, even without the barmaid, though Wren if you could stop by and take a look at the books?"

"Of course, Arthur," she sends the man a smile. "I'll walk over with you after this."

Talk turns to regular business for the rest of the meal.

She stands against the wall and watches Tommy lead Kimber and his man Roberts through the shop. She can't hear what's being said, but she can see the bored look on Kimber's face while Roberts looks keenly attentive. The quiet man really is the shadow leader of Kimber's business. It's painfully obvious despite the other man's swagger. She sees the moment the papers are handed over and hands are shaken. Watches with a smile as the two men leave.

Tommy gestures her to his side as he walks to the front of the room, the board at his back, and she goes to stand just behind his shoulder.

"Everybody's attention here for a moment," Tommy calls and the room steadily falls quiet. "I am pleased to announce, that as of today, the Peaky Blinders have their first legitimate betting pitch!"

There's a roar of sound as everyone cheers. Tommy calls John to him and hands over the license, hugging his brother to him and taking a moment to speak in his ear. The energy moves through the crowd with laughter and smiles on every face.

She steps up to her man's side and Tommy automatically wraps an arm about her waist. He looks down at her, his own face a rare study of easy joy, and she pushes up on her tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips.

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