chapter 2

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The kid vader was defending asked who he is he responded with vader there was a girl with golden hair glaring at vader

Vader: is there something wrong

Rex: she is my blade her name is pyra and mythra i think

Vader: this man is still alive i can help him
Vader points at vandam

Vader used the force to heal vandam at the poin he won't die

Vader: i sense such anger and sadness from you
Vade says to mythra
Vader points at mythra

Mythra switched back with pyra and almost fell nia cought her vader halped rex nia and tora with their injuries nia wanted to know why vader uses his black suit vader responded with its keeping him alive nia asked how vader took off his helmet

Nia saw vader bruned from his face he showed her his cybernetic arms prlyra saw vader without his helmet and asked who did that to him vader answered with a bit of anger obi wan kenobi they where duelin but kenobi got the high ground on him and cu...

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Nia saw vader bruned from his face he showed her his cybernetic arms prlyra saw vader without his helmet and asked who did that to him vader answered with a bit of anger obi wan kenobi they where duelin but kenobi got the high ground on him and cut off his limbs and said it happened in a place called mustafar there place had lava everywhere but he also showed his light saber and showed how he constructed his Rex was asking if he could try holding it Rex found out how heavey the lightsaber was and gave it back to vader he attached it to his belt kosmos and t elos where sparing with vader as vader got the upper hand on them he was almost overwhelmed but he won the two blades thanked vader for sparing with them vader wanted to also train rex because he saw how rex was almost getting killed by malos and decided to train him to use both Pyra's and Mythra's sword to be able to beat them on their next encounter vader showed rex how to use pyra/mythra sword like a lightsaber

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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