Overgrown Memories (steven universe)

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"Topaz," Emerald yelled. " Let's go."
"Right behind you," I replied, running up to her side.
"We're going to the strawberry field to collect the left over weapons," Emerald paused and frowned.
As I felt the cold stone of the warp pad on my bare feet, the blue warp stream surrounded us.
"Why are we taking the weapons?" I asked. "Shouldn't we leave them alone?"
Emerald sighed.
"Someone could take them and use them against us. Wouldn't you rather them be with us?"
"I guess."
The stream faded and revealed a large patch of land, densely covered with ancient gem weapons and overgrown strawberries.
Emerald's expression softened.
"I... I haven't been here in ages. I forgot what it was like here..." she whispered solemnly.
I looked up at her.
She closed her eyes and shook her head, as if she was trying to wake herself from a dream.
"Let's just get to work." She walked off the warp pad and started picking up the nearest weapons and staring at them like she was looking for something. I dismissed the odd behavior.
"I'm going to search farther out," I started jogging through the field.
"Okay..." Emerald mumbled without looking up.
I stopped every so often to pick up an interesting weapon. 'I'll get the rest on my way back.'
I kept going until I reached a large clearing littered with weapons of all kinds. Swords, axes, maces, bows, and everything you could imagine.
'I know this place,' I thought.
I searched the ground for a familiar object. I lost my breath my when I spotted an orange sash.
I slowly approached. Fingers trembling, I picked it up. Broken glass fell and the contents of the bulbs spilled on the ground.
I let out a shaky breath.
Just as tears started to blur my vision, my mind drifted back to the horrible memory.

"Topaz! Watch your left side!"
"Sure thing Citrine!"
I sidestepped right, barely avoiding a high speed projectile in the face. I jabbed my attacker in the side with my scythe. She winced, but kept on attacking.
While I parried and dodged, Citrine was battling a thin figure wrapped in green. The gem slung nun-chucks at her, but Citrine bit into a crimson bulb and melted the chain with a blast of fire.
The gem growled with anger. Using the handles on her newly-seperated nun-chucks she redirected an incoming attack from Citrine.
"Opalite! Spinel!" She hissed. " formation!"
The gem I was fighting, Spinel, fired a flurry of round projectiles and ran to her side.
A sweet, innocent looking gem near us threw ninja star to deliver a killing blow to her opponent. Once she saw it through, she ran over.
"Let's do this Spudomene!" Opalite yelled.
Spudomene held out both her hands to the gems and spun them. She pulled them close, and dipped both Opalite and Spiniel. Their gems began to glow, and their silhouette grew in size.
A green boded, red haired, six armed gem took the place of Spinel, Opalite, and Spudomene.
Each set of arms summoned a weapon from the three gems and brought them together to form a mace.
"Now," She boomed. "Prepare to die!"
This shook us out of our shock.
The giant spun her mace above her head.
"I forgot how powerful Bloodstone is!"
Bloodstone laughed as she swung her mace in the direction of Citrine.
In a flash, Citrine whipped out an artic blue bulb and bit into it. She let out a blast of ice in hopes of creating a shield to take the blow of the attack.
When I heard the deafening crack of the mace on the ice, I winced. The ice held, but it couldn't stand another blow. Citrine quickly dashed out of range and bit into another bulb. This time it was black, and she filled the area with a thick smoke.
"Quit hiding you coward!" Bloodstone howled.
Bloodstone swung her mace to hit the ground infront of her. The force of the impact cleared the smoke.
Bloodstone gleamed at Citrine. She whipped her mace over her head, building momentum.
I took in a quick breath.
'Maybe I can distract her. That would give Citrine more time,'
I threw caution to the wind and charged in on Bloodstone. Slashing and hacking, I barley made a scratch.
"Huh?" She grunted. With her lower set of arms she flicked me to the side.
Citrine bit into an orange bulb and blew a cloud of dust in Bloodstone's direction.
Bloodstone laughed.
"You really think that'll work again?"
The momentum that the mace had built up caused a strong wind current around her. The dust just blew back into Citrine's eyes.
"Agh!" Citrine put her hand up to her eyes and yelped with pain. She stumbled, and fell to her knees.
"Time to meet your maker Citrine."
As Bloodstone brought her mace down on Citrine, time seemed to slow.
Citrine looked at me. Part of me knew it was the last time I'd see her. But I still had a flicker of hope.
That hope was extinguished when Bloodstone made direct contact with Citrine's gem.
In a puff of smoke Citrine's sash fell to the ground along with her cracked gem.
At first I didn't feel anything. But Bloodstone's victorious laughter sparked something inside of me. My empty feeling was replaced with red hot anger.
I grabbed my scythe and ran up to Bloodstone.
She gave me a look as if to say 'You want some too?'
With a blood curdling scream I jumped up to her throat and jabbed my scythe deep into her gem. I ripped it back out fell to the ground.
Bloodstone growled with pain and anger. Her form dissolved. A ninja star, projectile, and pair of nun-chucks landed on the ground.
"Topaz," a distant voice called. "Topaz. Topaz, are you all right?"
I felt someone shake my shoulder. I gasped and shook. I opened my eyes. I was back with Emerald, holding Citrine's sash.
I looked up at her as tears rolled down my cheeks.
Emerald had a sympathetic look in her eye.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
I wiped my eyes.
"I'm fine, I'm fine." I said.
"Let's go. We can get the rest later," Emerald lead us out of the feild and back to the warp pad.

Overgrown Memories ( A steven universe short story)Where stories live. Discover now