Lost In The Forest

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(This is a small recap of the adventure so far...
Our heroes all take shelter in the Pokémon Centre from a terrible storm. Spending the night there. By the morning, our heroes finds out that a Pokémon Festival is about to start in the city (on the other side of the forest) and they decide to visit.)

(And now, they are walking down the path towards the city...)

Dawn and Ash look around the huge wilderbeast as Brock walks in front with a map in hand. Everytime he stopped, both Ash and Dawn do the same. After a full hour of walking, Ash and Dawn both stop, exhausted and hungry.

"Brock... I think we're lost..." Ash said as he followed slowly behind, holding his tummy as it made noises.

"No. I know where we are. We are close." Brock smiled at them, then turned to focus on the map. As they walked back towards a large oak tree, Dawn let out a sign.

"Brock, we pasted this tree five times... let's camp. It's getting late..." Dawn peeked over his shoulder to see the map being turned over and over again. "You don't know where we are do you?" Dawn asked with a frown. Brock fell silent as he let the map drop slightly.


As they pushed on to find a clearing, they was stopped dead in their tracks. They could hear rustling in front of them...

"What was that?" Dawn frozed as she turned to face the boys. Pikachu and Piplup both stared down the path in wonder. Just then, many small Pokémon starts to run past them in fear. Pikachu watched as they all cried loudly. Bird Pokémon started to take off as if something made them scared. Then the sounds of loud thunder comes charging at them. Fear kicked in as they too was running away from the sound.

"Run!" Brock commanded.

Meanwhile nearby a trainer sits by a small fire wearing a red cap, matching jacket and scarf. One of her Pokémon started to look up, she did the same as a bird Pokémon started to cry and land beside her.

"What?!" The girl gasps as she turns to face her Pokémon. "Let's go team!"

(Short I know. I love cliffhangers. Although it's not a cliffhanger, I just like to do what the films or episodes do.)

(Who do you think is the hero? And who is this mysterious trainer?)

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