The Audition

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Riley's P.O.V.

It was almost my turn to audition and I knew that I had to go on at some point, I...just, I...I was really nervous to go in front of James. But I never knew why I cared do much about what he thought of me.

Anyways I auditioned and felt so proud of myself, I thought I killed it and suddenly when I was sitting on the bench in studio A, while Miss. Kate gave us a 5 minute break before the next group auditioned. James walks over to me and sit down right beside me with only a few centimeters empty between us. I felt kind of awkward because the last time James was so close to me we were almost about to kiss, plus I was the one who leaned in first, so it just made me feel a bit embarrassed.

James:" You did great".

Riley:" Really? I mean thanks, i thought i did okay".

James:"Nah, you did amazing"!

I sat their in silence while James kept starting at my face, it felt weird but in a good way.

James:"I - I was wondering if you... I mean... if you would like too-"

While James was asking me something Miss.Kate calls everyone back and the last 4 dancers to audition included James,Michelle,Giselle and Eldon. I was kind of upset he got cut off because i really wanted to know what he was going to ask me.


James P.O.V.

The auditions were done and soon Miss.Kate and Chris were about to put up the list and i really wanted to keep my spot in A-troupe and really wanted for Riley to keep hers.

An Hour Later...

I was sitting down in Squeeze and find myself looking at Riley every other second. She was perfect. Kind, smart, and beautiful and I knew that no matter how much I tried I would never be able to stop thinking about her. (Even if I dated double the amount of girls I've already dated before).

West:" YO guys, let's go. The list is going to be put up".

Riley's P.O.V.

OMG! I made it, I can't believe it.

People who made it.











I cannot wait for Regionals and I'm confident that we will win and i'm SUPER EXCITED.


It was almost 8:00 pm and class was over. I was walking home alone, mainly because Emily was going to stay at the studio longer and I really just wanted to go home.

James P.O.V.

As I was driving home in my black truck I see someone walking on the sidewalk and I realize that it is Riley. I quickly drive closer to her and finally she notices me and walks towards my car as I put the passenger side window down.

James:" Hey Riley, you need a ride?".

Riley's P.O.V.

"No thanks, I'm just going to catch the bus", I tell James.

The studio was not really close to my house and since Emily was still at the studio and my parents were gone out for the week I had to travel by a bus.

James:"Come on, I don't bite", he says with a smirk on his face.

I decided to take his offer and I honestly don't know how it will go.

Authors Note:

Just to let you know the next chapter will have more romantic scenes between Riley and James. (Nothing TOO gross).

Question: Who are the best dancers from The Next Step?

My Answer: Trevor,Jordan and Richelle (idk her real name, but i think its Briar)

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