Chapter 1

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"Demi, why are you so afriad to follow your dreams?" my brother asked me. I looked up at him, into his blue- green eyes. "If they get broken..." I started but he hushed at me. "Look. Once I was like you, afraid. But I took a chance and look where I am now! You can also live your dream if you dare to take that first step. Come here, I have to show you something." He took my hand and I followed him into the living room. Selena was sitting in the coach watching "So you think you can dance" but she turned it off when we came in. "Sit down" Ed told me. I sat down next to my best friend, as we both looked confused up at Ed. "I got something for you both, since you have to do everything together." he reached his hand in his pocket and gave us some pieces of paper. I didn't realize until after Selena had screamed for a couple of seconds. "One Direction VIP tickets?! Are you kidding?!!" I screamed and jumped up from the coach. Ed just smiled and opened his arms ready for a hug. I ran into them and thanked him a million times before he pushed me away. "You and Selena will go on their concert, then meet them afterwards. They will tell you the rest of the surprise." he said. I screamed and jumped around like a little girl. Wait, did he just say "the rest of the surprise"? Is it more?! My brother is the best...I really wanted to give something back, but I couldn't. He was Edward Sheeran, singer and songwriter. Famous all over. I was Demi Lovato, his stepsister. Just a normal girl. Ed left the room and Selena waked me up from my thoughts with her screaming. I looked at the date of the concert. "IT'S IN 3 HOURS!!!!!" I screamed and we jumped around. We hurried into our room and changed. We both had an One Direction hoodie, we matched. Ed drove us to the concert area and he stayed with us backstage. Well, he was walking around and stayed calm, me and Selena were almost dying of exitement...

After the concert Ed led us to the room where we were going to meet the boys. I think my heart stopped a couple of seconds when I saw Louis, Niall, Liam, Harry and Zayn walking in smiling and laughing. We hugged them all, got their autographs and took some pictures. Then we started to just chat. Ed interupted us when he was 'cleaning his throat' and Niall took the hint. "You'd better go, you don't want Paul to throw you out." he laughed. "Lovely to see you girls" Zayn said. We smiled and blushed. "Bye" we hugged them all again and were about to walk out when Ed stopped me. "Demi, the boys want to tell you something. Selena come with me". He left and closed the door so I was alone with my idols. Maybe they were going to tell me the rest of the surprise? Louis opened hi mouth and started to talk. "So, do you want to join us in the studio the rest of the month?" he asked. I screamed. "YES!!!!!!! OH really? Did Ed ... but...oh jesus, of course!" I fangirled and hugged them (again). They just smiled and laughed. I could barely believe it. I was going to spend the rest of June with One Direction! When I came outside, Ed had told Selena and she understood that she couldn't join too but she was very happpy I could. When we got home we barely fell asleep cause we talked so much. I guess I slept 3 hours or something that night. Ed woke me up 6 am. "Demi?" he whispered. "We got to hurry, the boys are waiting." I yawned tired and looked confused up to my brother. "OH! Now I remember! Okay, let me get dressed" I whispered. I wrote a note to Selena so she knew where I was. She was still sleeping. 

"Hey Demi! Nice to see you again!" Niall smiled. I hugged him. "Where's the rest of the boys?" I asked. Niall layed his arm over my shoulders as we walked into the building. "Oh they're late.." Niall answered. "They're not. Niall came early to see you. He has a crush on you" Ed whispered. Niall apparently heard it anyway cause he stared at Ed with his "I will kill you" look. I just laughed. The boys came some minutes after we'd walked into the studio. They started to record and I just sat in the coach dreaming. Ed was working so I had nothing to do. I started to dream about that I could record my music here and maybe get a bit famous. But no, that would just be ridicilous...I found my notebook and a pen and started to write a song. I kinda liked it. Too bad no one ever would hear it. I started to sing for my self to hear what it sounded like, and I didn't notice the boys had stopped the recording and could hear every word I sang. "Not gonna be afraid, I'm gonna wake up feeling beautiful today! And know that I'm okay, cause everyone's perfect in unusual ways....NIALL!" I jumped up from the coach and stopped singing. Niall stood in front of me and smiled really big. "You're a great singer! You wrote the song yourself?" he asked. I blushed and my hands got swet. "Thanks...yeah, it's called 'believe in me'..." I answered shy. "Okay, back to the work guys!" Liam shouted and saved me from more awkwardness. I thanked him with my eyes and he just smiled back. Aw, daddy direction. So cute! Okay, back to reality Demi...

When the day was over and we were about to drive home, Niall stopped us. "Demi!" he shouted and I rolled down the window. "Here." he gave me a note with some numbers on. He winked at me and we drove home. "What was it?" Ed wanted to know. "Oh nothing, he just wanted to give me some advices about that song I wrote today.." I lied back. I looked at the note. "Call me maybe?" I smiled. Niall Horan gave me his number. But...what was this feeling I had? It wasn't something crazy fanthing, it was, my whole body got warm when I said his name...

Don't know when I'll post the next part, I'm a busy woman :P Hope you liked it, thanks for reading x

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