Very Important

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Helloo cookies,

Let me explain properly,

I deleted, not unpublish but deleted my all story, Imma a Muslim girl, and LGBT actually strictly prohibited in our religion, I was writing wrong things, I realized and imma learning more about my religion and trying to get close to God, as you all know my situation or not I don't know, my imma suffering from really serious depression since last four years, no one in my family and they don't even wanna know, I have no best friend to discuss and literally no one, I was so hopeless and was getting away from God, by my classmates of school get me on prayers and so on, and now imma really happy not fully but imma kinda in peace, and trying to prioritize myself before my parents and everyone, imma not stop writing, my official story will publish in Wattpad in 2023, imma working on it.

LGBT it's Haram, and I was writing about boy loves it's so wrong, and second Taehyung and Jungkook they both are not gay, as they don't come out in the public, and clearly they are straight, I love taekook story just till fanfiction that's it, I don't believe this things in real life, but it was so fun writing about them.

All of you, I love you so much for supporting me till now, and motive me till now, ans I hope you will till the end.

My other Wattpad account:- __zarashieee follow me there.

That's it, byee

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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