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11:00 AM on a Sunday. Not quite, Monday, not quite Saturday. Sunday served as a reminder of all of the obligations that Sarge had neglected for the past two days.

Did this mean he would do all of his past-due work?

No, of course not. Homework on the weekends should be classified as a felony. But, the reminder still made him feel guilty.

The Delta Tau house was quiet, the creatures living inside of it were just beginning to stir. Sarge had been up since 6, his thoughts never really let him sleep soundly. He didn't mind it much, being up to shower before the other 20 dudes in the house meant that he was always guaranteed to have hot water.

Currently, Sarge was scrolling through his university email. It was the usual, random reminders about random on-campus events that he would not be attending unless free things were to be handed out.

Right as he lifted a hand to close his laptop and get on with the day, a subject line tagged with high importance caught his eye.


"What the fuck does that mean?" Sarge mumbled to himself as he opened the email.

His eyes widened in disbelief the further they moved down the page. This shit was ludicrous:

"Good morning,

I hope that you all have had a wonderful weekend. Greek life is a long-held and truly trademarked tradition of Grace Falls University. As you know our campus boasts more than 20 sororities and fraternities on campus.

This number has always been a badge of pride for the university. Though, in light of recent events, the university's board of trustees has come to a course-changing verdict. In order to ensure that students outside of Greek life feel just as welcome on campus as those in Greek life, the board of trustees has ruled to narrow the number of Greek organizations on campus from 27 to 10.

This 10 will consist of five sororities and five fraternities. We understand that this is a very difficult revelation for many of you. In order to ensure that what may be your final year as an active member of greek life remains a valued experience, we have decided to create a fun and memorable process of elimination.

We will call this process the Battle of the Greeks. A series of challenges will be held throughout the year in order to determine which organizations will be kept and which have run their course at Grace Falls University.

Organizations with exceedingly low enrollment have already been removed from the running. Those fraternities that remain are as follows:

Theta Phi

Kappa Chi

Tau Beta Tau

Delta Tau

Beta Delta

Alpha Phi Kappa

Omega Sigma Chi

Sigma Phi

May the best five fraternities win! Have a graceful day at Grace Falls!

Go Devils Go,

Dean Lucider"

Before he could fully process what he was seeing Sarge's phone began to ring.


"Sarge! Did you see this shit?! The sororities are being consolidated down to five! Lucider just sent us this stupid fucking email with a list of the eight sororities that get to stay. Well for fucking now at least. Holy shit. Delta Tau didn't get cut, right? That'd be ridiculous—"

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